
Overreacting to Game #60: Portland 106, Phoenix 104

SINCE IT WAS AGAINST PHOENIX, WE SHOULDN'T BE EXCITED.False. We watch game after game in the NBA. Some games are better than others. We watch the stars. We look to see who can overcome obstacles. We root for our heroes. We love to see our teams win. We love amazing plays. And this game had it all.

OK. The Suns are in a remarkable 6 way tie for the fewest wins with only 18. (But they are officially leading the way now with 43 losses). They are incredibly young. They are inconsistent, sloppy with the ball, don't play much defense and are usually terrible from deep. After a huge road win at Utah last night it would be unforgivable to give it all back against Phoenix.

But they are an NBA team and they have assets. Devon Booker will be an All-Star once they start winning. TJ Warren would start at small forward for the Blazers. They have a handful of high lottery picks trying to establish themselves. Elfrid Payton has played well since being dumped by Orlando. He is auditioning for his restricted free agency this summer. He does a lot well, but his outside shot is as ugly as his hair. He will present the Suns with a tough choice.

Then Portland built their challenge in this game, brick by brick... by brick. Portland was 1-13 from 3 in the first half, and finished a woeful 6-30 for the game. You knew it would be tough when Lillard missed his first free throw of the night. And missed another. And another. And another. Which was more surprising, the horrid Blazer shooting from deep or Dame ending his free throw streak with 4 misses from the line? Portland had another drought quarter with only 16 points in the 3rd, and the seemed buried 5 minutes into the 4th.

So what was your biggest thrill in this remarkable comeback? Was it Lillard leap-frogging 2 Suns for a put-back dunk? Was it the amazing Lillard tip-in & one over Len? Was it Lillard's all-around excellence in the 4th with 19 points in the quarter? Was it Lillard's game-tying 3? Was it Lillard's game tying 2 from the elbow? Was it Lillard's game-winning lay-up? They were all great and they were all courtesy of Damian Freakin' Lillard. Watching Lillard Time never gets old and never loses the thrill. It was why we watch.

HAS LILLARD EVER BEEN BETTER?No. Remember, Dame started the season in a shooting slump. We didn't worry because we knew that Dame would eventually be Dame. We have seen him producing more effort and plays on defense. His passes now lead players into baskets. But Lillard is on a historic level right now, re-writing the Blazer record book. Dame has a franchise record in his last 5 games, and there is no end in sight.

SO BESIDES MISSING 3'S, WHAT ARE THE CONCERNS FOR PORTLAND?你没有得到很多帮助s when you don't make shots. But Portland was well below their league worst average with only 15. With no ball movement, Napier once again felt compelled to launch multiple shots, and he got the bagel (0-10). Napier is now 5-30 in the last 3 games. Pat had a couple of sweet drives, but he has now gone 6 games without a 3. Pat and Shabazz had been great stories for the Blazers and Portland needs more from them down the stretch.

FINAL GRADE: Portland did a great job of taking care of the ball, with only 6 turnovers to the Suns' 13. The Blazers knew they could not afford a let-down in this game, but it happened anyway. One wrinkle I liked was the double team out of the pick and roll that we saw tonight. Every game matters as the NBA hits the stretch run. Portland is now 8 games over .500. Portland is now alone in 5th. Portland is now only a game and a half behind 3rd place Minnesota (without Butler for a while). Portland goes into the last 22 games with 4 more home games than road contests. You have to love this time of the year. Not a great over-all effort tonight, but a thrilling win. C+