
Poll: Should Zach Collins start next year?

I am certainly hoping the Blazers can make a trade in the off-season to bring in some talent (Kevin Love? Carmelo Anthony?). But if no moves can be made, which appears to be likely, should the Blazers roll out the same starting line-up next season of Dame, CJ, Moe, Aminu, and Nurk? Or, should they make a change? In my opinion Zach Collins should be a starter next year. I definitely agree that he needs to get stronger, but I think the long term benefit and experience will be worth it. Collins has the most upside on the roster, and he is the Blazers' best chance to move forward and not stay stagnant in the west.

The Blazers need Collins' passing to get the offense flowing to start games. The offense is a lot of iso-ball with Dame and CJ, which doesn't work as well in the playoffs when defenses are a lot tougher than in the regular season. Collins is the best passing big man on the roster, and he could be very effective finding Moe and Nurk on cuts to the basket, or CJ and Dame for spot-up threes. Collins is also very good at finding open space, and is showing improvement with his shooting and ball handling. If the Blazers let Nurk walk then Collins could start next to Ed as well (Davis should certainly be resigned if Nurk leaves). Aminu would not like going to the bench, but he is much steadier than Moe and would be a swiss army knife type player with the reserves. Maybe Aminu would buy into being an Iguodala-type bench leader. Assuming Bazz and PCon are gone and the Blazers draft a wing, the rotation could be:


CJ/Turner/draft pick

Moe/Aminu/draft pick


Nurk/Davis/Meyers (or Davis/Meyers if Nurkic leaves)

If the Blazers want Collins to be a core player going forward then they need to give him more responsibility and opportunity to develop. So what do you think, should Collins start next year or does he need another year to develop?