
开拓者有最“几乎”championshi吗ps/dynasties of any NBA franchise?

I'm just thinking back to some of the biggest, saddest events in Blazer history and realizing how close we were so many times.

First, there was Bill Walton's injuries/leaving that destroyed any shot at another title shortly after the one in 1977. Walton was definitely good enough to lead the Blazers to the Finals several more times had he stayed here and stayed healthy.

Then, of course, there was the selection of Sam Bowie in 1984 right ahead of Michael Jordan and Charles Barkley, either of whom would have made the already good Blazers with Drexler, Vandeweghe, and Kersey much better, and probably an instant title contender.

Only 2 years later the Blazers drafted Arvydas Sabonis, who many now believe could have been one of the greatest NBA players ever had he come over earlier, and the Blazers lost in the Finals twice between the time they drafted him and the time he finally joined the team. A team with Jordan, Vandeweghe, Sabonis, and Kersey would have been insanely good and surely won several titles. Even without Jordan, a team with Porter, Drexler, Kersey, young Sabonis, and Duckworth could have challenged the Dumars/Thomas Pistons or Jordan's Bulls and won at least one title.

Fast-forward to the 2000 WCF, the Blazers blew a 16 point lead in game 7 to the eventual champion L*kers. Had they just been able to hold onto their huge lead they would have been back in the Finals and, who knows? Maybe they would have won a title there.

In 2005 the Blazers traded down, passing on Deron Williams and Chris Paul to get Martell Webster. In 2006 the Blazers drafted LaMarcus Aldridge and Brandon Roy and then in 2007 Greg Oden. Had Roy and Oden stayed healthy or the Blazers drafted Durant, Deron Williams, or CP3 instead of Oden and Webster there's no telling how good they would have been. Best-case scenario with CP3, LMA, and a healthy BRoy and Oden would have meant a perennial title contender. Even just BRoy and Oden staying healthy that team would have been incredibly good. Oden is exactly the type of player LMA excels next to and BRoy could have been one of the best SGs ever.

Anyway, it sucks that we got so unlucky. Have a good weekend, everyone!