
If I was the GM...

开拓者:CJ, Harkless Turner门外汉,罗依1日und pick, 2 future 2nd round picks (like from the year 3000 and 01)

Blazers in: Jimmy Butler, Kent Bazemore, Ryan Anderson, Hou 1st round pick

Houston in: Evan Turner Pdx 2nd round pick

Houston out: Ryan Anderson, 1st round pick

Minny in: CJ, Harkless, Pdx 2nd round pick

Minny out: Butler, Dieng

Atlanta in: Dieng, Layman, Pdx 1st round pick

Atlanta out: Bazemore

This all is under the assumption that Jimmy Butler is really trying to make an exit from Minny.

There are a lot of moving parts, and I don't actually make it a 4 team trade. I do the Houston trade separately. From what I have read, Houston wants to send Ryan Anderson and a 1st out for a wing. Not that Turner is the wing that they want, but he could be a fit for them, and if we throw in a 2nd rounder, it doesn't hurt too much because their 1st is likely a very late one. Anderson fits well with us in the final product of the trades, in my opinion. Houston gets a little savings doing this as well.

The reason Minny might do this is because -assuming Jimmy wants out- they will want to bring in talent for their team, not start over. Getting CJ to replace Butler will be fine on the offensive end, and then getting Harkless as the switchy wing defender for added depth. They also get rid of a bad contract: Dieng. Which is assuming that they think it's a bad contract and don't want to be paying him 15 mill off the bench- if I'm wrong, then I guess we try to figure out something else. They also get a future 2nd rounder from us. This doesn't seem like too bad of a haul after seeing what the Spurs got in return for Leonard, and Jimmy being able to opt out after this year- but we could then offer him the most money for his next contract. A risk worth taking.

Atlanta does this for the pick, and could see what they have in Dieng and Layman.

We could have an incredible defensive team, while improving our offense, I believe:






Or for more offensive fire power, and a line up I would run against GSW so that they can't slack off of anyone:






I think these trades definitely upgrade our starting lineup and raise our potential this year. We also still have a first rounder at the end of everything. I know this is all a fantasy because we all know that our FO is done for the year. If only I could use sarcasm font for that last statement... Alas, we are Blazers. No matter what I'll be cheering them on this next year!
