
对38:波特兰113,Saftemento 108(OT)的反应过度反应

Nurk Fever回来了,可能无法治愈。真的。Caveat: He's got to show it against real centers. Looney, Looney, Amir Johnson and Cauley -Stein. Not exactly a murder's row. But Nurkic murdered them anyway, and tonight he slaughtered them. a 5 by 5! Not since Batuum have we seen one by a Blazer. The number were amazing:24 points, 23 rebounds, 7 assists, 5 blocks, 5 steals.他们讲一个故事,但没有完整的故事。他锚定了在大部分比赛中都是精英的防守。他对冲。他参加了比赛。他抓住了巨大的篮板。Nurk的数字可以恢复正常,如果他仍然活跃于防守,他仍然会很大。如果努尔克(Nurk)在中间给予他们精英的存在,那么这组首发者可以与任何人竞争。他带来了Harkless和Aminu。双手活跃。投篮竞争。 For one of the few times this year, Portland made an opposing offense uncomfortable. It all starts with Jusuf.


亚当斯(Adams)和卡佩拉(Capella)将在接下来的2场比赛中提供严厉的挑战。但是,由于Nurk Fever回来了,希望这次是永久的。

这是一个球队的胜利,但需要英雄。真的。今晚有很多事情正在工作。Mo的比赛出色,有11和9,还有2个抢断和2个盖帽。库里(Curry)作为西装外套的最佳比赛,在6-9的命中率上得到18分。如果他继续像上周那样积极进取和有效,他就有机会成为替补单位的负责人。Aminu在第二半击中了3个Monster 3。实际上,这可能是本赛季波特兰前场上最好的全能表现。


今晚夫人显然是对抗疾病。它was almost painful to watch him try and preserve every ounce of energy for the night. He knew he was cold from deep. He drove into the lane and threw the ball away. It was hopeless and the game was slipping away. But you saw the difference between a team with some talent tonight and a team with a star. All those easy shots started missing for Sacremento. They missed 19 shots in a row down the stretch and into overtime. Not Fox or Hield or Bogdanovic could halt the slide. And from somewhere, Lillard summoned just enough energy to make a push. He used every bit of guile to draw fouls or create space for simple lay-ins. The other starters helped win it on defense, and Dame carried the Blazers home on offense. He at least gets 2 days off to go to bed before the next game.

最后一年级:妖精的最后一点,他本赛季对反对者受伤的肩膀坐在波特兰的肩膀上:恩比德今晚对阵快船队,而76人队则增加了15。尽管国王在第三次进入第四局中的热烈伸展,但他们最终以令人难以置信的115杆拍摄了38%。开拓者将他们的股份降至33%。波特兰在进攻方面并不是很棒的摇动,命中率达到42%,丑陋的28%。开拓者队还增加了18个失误,其中大多数不被强制。这场比赛是最好的时刻,最糟糕的时期,然后是最好的时间。那是狄更斯人,但波特兰和努尔克最后一次对国王说Baa Humbug。任何胜利在西部的任何胜利都是备受争议的胜利。努尔克(Nurk)的表现显示了2019年更好的2019年。不是杰作,但最终令人满意。B+