
Overreacting to: The Changing Landscape of the Trade Deadline

IT'S TIME: MAKE THE PLUNGE FOR ANTHONY DAVIS. False.不要浪费你的呼吸。广告没有选择一个无法赢得另一个小市场冠军的小市场,在他无法赢得冠军。波特兰也没有资产,即使他们加入了胡德山和耐克(整个公司)。请记住这一点:任何交易戴维斯的人都需要等待夏天重新签名他。湖人是唯一可以保证实现这一目标的特许经营权。停止梦想无法发生的事情。

但是,在接下来的几周内,广告请求确实会对波特兰产生潜在的影响。无论是鹈鹕队快速交易还是等待今年夏天的波士顿报价,他们的赛季现在正式结束了。很明显甲板时间。摆脱不属于完整重建的任何资产。尼尔·奥西(Neil Oshey)证明自己在机会出现时做出了良好的举动。请记住,当波斯尼亚野兽不受欢迎时,他将努尔克从丹佛sc起。您可以完全期望开拓者将轮胎踢到mirotic和Moore上。

Here is another lesser move that could impact Portland. If the Lakers pull of a trade loaded with young talent for Davis they may need roster filler for this season. Nik Stauskas had his best game of the year on opening night against.... the Lakers. They would need cheap labor who can hit spot up 3's while defense collapse on LeBron and Davis. A 2nd round pick from LA for Nik would be a sensible move.

PORTLAND NEEDS TO MAKE A SPLASH BY THIS DEADLINE. Pro-move position.For goodness sakes, do something. We have seen this movie before. At its best, Portland scraps their way to home court in the 1st round, yet likely to lose the 1st series due to a lack of overwhelming talent. The Blazers have their own 1st round pick which is likely to be in the lower 20's (even if Portland finishes 3rd in the West it is probable that 5 teams from the East have better records as they pad their win totals on the numerous East bottom feeders). The last thing the Blazers need is to add yet another body who may or may not contribute 2 years down the road. That pick is way more valuable to a host of non-competitive clubs. Portland doesn't attract free agents. Portland doesn't get buy-out players. Send out the pick and add a player who can make the Blazers' top 8 rotation more talented, even if he is a 5 month rental.

无移动位置。这是勇士的世界。什么都不做harm your future this season because it doesn't matter anyway. Portland's change window is the summer of 2020 when they finally get out from under the onerous contracts. See if you can get lucky with the #1 pick and let him develop with Zach, Jake, Caleb, Anfernee and Gary. Blend your young talent or develop them as assets for something better. Nothing you will get at this point will move the needle anyway on this season.

DEPRESSING SPLASH OF COLD WATER. Look at the results.波特兰在西部的0.500和第四场比赛中取得了11场比赛。是的!但是要仔细观察。开拓者队对东方的14-3令人震惊。另一个是!但是季后赛将与来自西方的人抗衡。哦!波特兰只有15-17击败其他13支球队,他们试图进入自己的会议(2-0 V Phoenix)。更糟糕的是,开拓者队以3-7对阵西北师。找到一支将使波特兰有信心在系列赛中击败4次的西方季后赛的球队变得越来越困难。 Yikes!


Quick: What is the most precious commodity for NBA players? The easy answer is minutes. Players will kill for playing time. But the correct answer is "shots". How many shots is a team willing to invest in you. Not just when you are hot. But game after game after game. Lillard is getting 19-20 shots a night and CJ gets 18. Nurk gets 11 or 12, and the rest is a smorgasbord. Based on recent performance, both Jake and Seth are demanding 8-10 shots for themselves. Can they sustain there recent success if they get that many chances?

If Portland makes a move, then what happens to the allocation of shots. Say Portland traded Harkless and a 1st for a proven veteran who can get 15 points a night. Who loses out as the new player fits in? Does the new guy shoot too much? Does Jake's sudden growth go out the window? Does Curry go back to 5 points per game? Is Portland better off believing in the growth of Layman and the health of Curry, or it all a mirage? Will Seth and Jake hold up in the hotter cauldron of the play-offs or do the Blazers need someone who has been there before?

以特定的例子:孟菲斯正在丢弃零件。在12月,如果您可以将杰克直接交易为贾米卡尔·格林(Jamychal Green),那么您将在一分钟内将其付诸实践。绿色的平均距离为10和6,占深层的38%,并且随着时间的推移证明了自己。杰克(Jake)一月之后,你会达成交易吗?

A WILD TRADE IDEA: I gotta make a stab.波特兰交易外行,特纳和第1顺位前往达拉斯为哈里森·巴恩斯(Harrison Barnes)。达拉斯为什么这样做:小牛节省了一些钱。卡莱尔(Carlisle)和斯托特(Stotts)像同样类型的球员,外行人非常适合唐西奇(Doncic)。达拉斯将在重建中削减乔丹和德克的合同。(如果不是在交易截止日期之前,他们还将摆脱小史密斯,小史密斯。)Doncic与勒布朗和Jokic一起成为想要的球员,他们想要那些是伟大的射手的球员,而不是想要球的球员。如果古巴有一些钱可以与之合作,古巴比波特兰更成功。达拉斯(Dallas)的重建为2020年。

Portland gives up on Jake's potential for a 4th above average starter. Barnes is expensive, but he can provide the type of scoring and shot creation that the Blazers have craved from their forwards. Portland's big 3 stool becomes a big 4 chair. It gives Lillard the most talent he has had to work with since the re-build. Dame. CJ, Barnes, Aminu and Nurk would have a shot at becoming the 2nd best team in the West.

BOTTOM LINE: We all get excited at the trade deadline and we are usually disappointed. The move for Afflalo fell on its face. On the other hand, the deal for Nurkic gave a turbo-charge to the franchise. Portland's only marketable asset is its #1 pick. How valuable is it? Oshey will certainly be kicking the tires and sniffing out deals. The odds are more likely than not that there is no deal or one that is very minimal in impact. Share your proposals and thoughts. Like Christmas, the trade deadline is often more exciting in our dreams and possibilities than the reality. Enjoy the dreams.