
垃圾抽屉 - 生活是什么?

I lost my grandfather yesterday. He had been battling cancer for the last five years, but I don’t want to talk about his death, and the horrible ways that disease can strip away someone’s humanity, but what his life was like. He was 93 years old and was born to an aristocratic mom and a dad, whom he described as "a hillbilly from Kentucky" which is somewhat an exaggeration but not too far from the truth. They built a nice life for my grandfather and his sisters in Seattle (that hillbilly eventually became the superintendent of the Seattle school district).

When WWII happened, my grandfather signed up as soon as he could, but when he did join in 1945, by the time he finished basic training, the war was essentially over. The army still sent him overseas, and he spent most of his time stationed in post war Europe. It had a profound effect on him, and he remained a passionate anti-war advocate throughout his life, and he was very involved in the Portland chapter of Veterans For Peace organization. He looked forward every Memorial Day and 4th of July being one of their key speakers at their events.



When he and my grandmother retired, they sold their house in Corbett and moved closer into Gresham, but the call of the forest would cause him to purchase a cabin near Mt.Hood. My grandparents were avid hikers and skiers, so it made sense to have something close to the mountain. He loved going up there with one of their Australian shepherd dogs to hike and ski. Also, he loved the quiet and solitude that allowed him to concentrate fully on whatever he was reading or whatever paper or speech he was writing at the time.




