
2019 NBA Mock Draft players you're interested in? Attainable/unattainable? To fill needs or just ones you like?

Hey folks-- I know it's not quite time yet to know our slot in the upcoming draft, but more than likely we'll be around the mid 20s. Regardless of whether a draftee is likely to fall to us or not, are there any that tickle your fancy? Any position, or one you feel is of need, or just any player you have your eyes set on, or that could realistically fall to us or not-- who would you like?

I'll go with someone we *might* have an outside shot at obtaining.. I like CHARLES BASSEY, of Western Kentucky. He's listed as a center but he's 6'10 and I would like to give him a try at PF. Aminu's a FA at the end of the season and though we like his defense I wouldn't really miss him that much. Bassey looks like his defense is solid and is a great rim protector. Physically gifted and is fast. Has shown the ability to hit from anywhere. Averages 15 and 10 and 2 1/2 blocks. Some drafts have him around the lottery range, and others in the 20s. If he can continue to work on his shot and strength I would love this guy.

Any players you guys have your hearts set on? List them below!