

对于任何人愚蠢地发布评论,将涂抹康德作为一个维护的一位维护者,拖着他的一团球队,他扮演了他的萧条的深处,就像布拉西队的忠实的踪迹·布拉泽粉丝一样臭气臭凿岩机你必须开始相信Neil Oshley毕竟可能是天才。

例如,鉴于为Jusef Nurkic贸易梅森“T-rex”荔枝的机会,他将这些交易的绳子拉到了这笔交易上,花了很少的保罗allen数十亿美元。但后来,他有胆量过度花费保罗想要的球员,这是埃文特特纳。但是,为了脱离罗德尼翻转引擎盖,斯卡尔Labissiere,和尼斯·斯卡尔为尼基索曼和韦德·鲍德温,Jody Allen不必担心剥夺她的兄弟们来做这件事。嗯,在我谦虚的意见中,这是纯粹的NBA总经理天才。

Because of having to endure the Jail Blazer era, followed closely by the Greg Oden getting multiple micro fracture surgerys era, we were blessed to have a young man by the name of Brandon Roy join the Trail Blazer family to turn a nightmare back into a dream. But when his knees unfortunately turned into jello and he had to retire early, it wasn’t until Damian Lillard was drafted that we allowed ourselves to once again dream of a possible second championship. But then Wesley "Iron Man" Mathews fell to the floor of the Rose Garden clutching his Achilles. And from that moment until this victory over the Philadelphia 76ers, many loyal Blazer fans who have bled Red and Black since the first championship started to feel like seeing another one in their lifetime was just a pipe dream.

但现在,让西方会议决赛不仅仅是一种管道梦,它实际上是一个现实。如果我们允许自己再次梦想,我们将开始向自己询问来自东方的团队我们必须在七个游戏系列中击败,以便在第一个旁边添加第二个o'brien奖杯。现在,对于许多团队来思考将是布拉德史蒂文的波士顿凯尔特人队。对于其他人来说,也许是尼克护士多伦多猛拉。对于那些住在印第安纳波利斯的真正梦想家,你可能正在考虑善良的OL'nate McMillans印第安纳步行者。

But in the end it really doesn’t matter which team pops into our minds as we contemplate the posability of once again being on the big stage. The point is, after being swept in the first round last year by New Orleans everybody from Skip Bayless to Stephen a Smith started this narrative that the Portland Trail Blazers are going to be worse this year and may not even make the playoffs. And to those overpaid analyst who spew this garbage I want to end this article by saying this.

如果只要戴夫或他的任何写作人员都是船尾燃烧器的粉丝,你将遵循这个团队,直到你采取的最后一口气,赢或丢失。因此,当这支球队时,他们在全球休息前在最后一个家庭游戏中尴尬的金色粉刺时会如此统治。然后在粉丝面前拆除布鲁克林。之后击败了网,支撑了六个人的建筑物,并在粉丝面前尴尬地让他们在粉丝面前令人轻松的十五点井喷。绝对没有理由认为团队是目前建造的团队可以现实地加入Michael Jordan和Stephen Curry,因为我们观看我们的超级巨星Dame Dolda带领他的团队足够胜过乘坐波特兰径燃烧器成为下一个国家篮球协会王朝。

