

Dame今晚很棒。这是不可持续的。真的。在这场比赛中没有否认达米安Lillard的辉煌。他认识一部分所需的生产,以弥补CJ的损失取决于他。我们都知道他很可能有一场比赛。贵妇人不仅仅是与他的个人犯罪,而是通过淘汰15次助攻和辩护和防御大部分。Lillard放弃了他的身体并提起了收费。他在岗哨中绑架,然后偷了一下。在上半场最后一分钟的比赛中,比赛中没有比他的徽标更大的比赛。当他钻了那次拍摄时,你笑了,傻笑还是尖叫?我如此响亮,我吓坏了我的妻子。 The Pacers had started the game white hot, but were doomed to go to the half down seven. 30 points on 16 shots, 4-9 from deep, 8-9 on free throws, 3 steals and 1 block. Did he sell popcorn also? I suggested that we might see "30 Point" Dame without CJ, and that's exactly what we saw tonight.





当莫和首席的开始时,波特兰在这是绝对的最好的。真的。我们见证了开拓者前锋的起起伏伏。莫已被伤害,冰冷的弧后。阿米努一直是自相矛盾的。但是特里-斯托特坚持让这两个人作为首发球员。为什么?首先是他们一贯的防守。但他知道当这两记投中时,波特兰将达到顶峰。我们看到他们在第三节打出了最好的状态,当时开拓者打出了第一场比赛。阿米努在中场休息时没有任何数据。下半场他三分球4-5拿下16分。 Harkless hit one 3 (Yea!) and attacked on the way to 10 points. He also was active on defense 2 steals and 2 blocks. Both players switched and defended the post and they also made Bogdanovic invisible most of the game. They did make Yound disappear completely with only 2 points on 1-8 from the field. Is there a magic formula for making these 2 guys hot? If so, the Blazers have a shot at making some hay in the post-season.

最终评分:努尔克18分和11分,我们在进攻板上看到了更多的“波斯尼亚野兽模式”。在过去,当尤瑟夫错过一只兔子时,他会低下头或者向裁判抱怨。这已经是努尔克连续第二场上场比赛了,他在篮板数据上做了调整,并以一记灌篮结束了比赛。门外汉作为首发后卫似乎迷失了方向。胡德需要这份工作。(还记得我们以前担心要多少钱才能留住杰克吗?他的价格正在直线下降。)开拓者一开始0胜10负,之后13胜32负,命中率41%。开拓者队在第四节开始的一段时间内撞到了墙。他们是累了还是没主意了? The result was never in much doubt, but they need to close stronger. I was surprised that Rodney was not in down the stretch. The Pacers have done an amazing job staying afloat without Oladipo. But we did see them struggle as everyone is forced to step up their game in a tough environment. Turner started the game looking All-NBA and finished with a solid 28 points. But there were several plays when he had a size advantage in the post and had no interest in making a center-style move. He is a power forward, not a center. For those of you who think Portland never gets a big call, Turner did not do much when he got called for a huge foul on a block of a Lillard 3. As a referee have I ever tried to make a call and not had the whistle in my mouth? Yes. It happened tonight and good for the ref for making the right call late. With CJ's injury the team can either rally together or fall into shell-shock. Tonight they pulled together. It wasn't smooth, but it was convincing. B+