
Ovreacting to Denver Game #2: Portland 97, Denver 90

该系列最终被“ On”。真的。古老的俗话说是,直到一场胜利取得胜利,季后赛才真正开始。好吧,我们在这场伟大的比赛中有更多的东西。我们看到了一些惊人的防守。我们看到了伤害,开始了流失战争。我们目睹了一些著名的季后赛调整。我们看到了角色扮演者的出现,其中包括一个从遗忘中复活。我们看到了2位挣扎的超级巨星,其中一位从未完全影响比赛,还有一位成为他职业生涯中最重要的传球之一。我们看到一支绝望的团队迟到了董事会。我们看到一个团队的li行足够快,可以赢得巨大的胜利。我们拥有了一切。

THE DEFENSE WAS THE DIFFERENCE. True.在第一场比赛中,开拓者在所有荣耀中都看到了掘金的进攻。Jokic,Murray,Millsap和3个指针。当所有这些工作时,丹佛是一个可怕的进攻性王牌。波特兰直接进行防守,还不够好。第一场比赛就像一场非常出色的常规赛。

波特兰在第二场比赛中以完全不同的强度出现。当Jokic或Millsap拿到球时,快速加倍。愿意争夺和恢复,尽最大努力对周长进行比赛,但要确保不要在邮局中受到重击。阿米努站在米尔萨普(Millsap)。坎特对小丑也是如此。没有什么象征着更多的差异,观看Enes Kanter多次以多次陷入困境。在他在波特兰Enes任职的早期,看上去像是防御的旋转门,放弃了乘客到达篮筐。雷霆队和尼克球迷当然无法认识到坎特在这场比赛中投入防守的努力。我们甚至看到了杰克(Jake),如果哈克(Harkless)仍然受到伤害,外行人可能会成为居住者的首发球员。



开拓者替补席赢得了比赛。也是真的。This was a win that was years in the making. Rodney Hood had another brilliant outing, and is the early leader in the "x factor who changes the series" race. Hood is abusing mis-matches and hitting shots. Rodney actually blocked 3 shots! But at 91-84 and with Portland swooning, Dame made one of his greatest passes and found Hood in the corner for a 3 that basically clinched the game. Portland needs help at the center off the bench, and Zach produced tonight. 10 points and 6 boards, and some solid defense. Turner's shot looks off, but he muscled in 2 baskets in the paint and added 4 boards and 3 assists. Curry's only make was another vital 3 on an incredible CJ assist. Overall, the bench totaled 32 points on 13-26 shooting. Denver's bench only had 26 on a bad 9-32 from the field. Denver's reserve young guns were out-played at home tonight.


利拉德5-17 14分

CJ 8-20 20 points

Jokic 7-17 16分

默里6-8 15分


INJURIES ARE MOUNTING. Very true.First Craig went down with a broken nose. He returned late in the game. Then Mo sprained his ankle and didn't return. Murray took a knee to the thigh late in the Spurs series, and he was limping badly late. Part of Portland's rebounding woes late came because Kanter's shoulder gets worse as the game wears on. It is "next man up" time in some cases, and "suck it up" time in others. If Murray is unable to manipulate the pick and role for his floater it is a huge loss for the Nuggets.

最终成绩:你花了整个第四节checking the lead and the time? Portland did not play great offense with the star backcourt struggling. But tonight was about a mature club able to elevate its intensity and game. In contrast, after winning Game 1 fairly smoothly, Denver's young team came in expecting a win, instead of earning one. Kanter's 15 and 9 is once again heroic with his bum shoulder. Portland has now claimed home court. Are they experienced enough to know that they still have to play even better all around games in Portland to keep their advantage? We have injuries, rising role players, stars out for redemption and teams aiming to play better defense. It just keeps getting better. This series is now fully "on". Any play-off road win gets at least: A-