
西装外套2020帽室 - 提前思考 - PAU GASOL签名后更新

2019年NBA选秀后更新- 开拓者队以排名第25的选秀权起草了纳西尔。

UPDATED AFTER BAZEMORE TRADE - The Blazers traded Evan Turner for Kent Bazemore.

7月3日更新 - 之后收购Rodney Hood,Hassan Whiteside,Mario Hezonja和Anthony Tolliver

7月3日更新 - 之后trade of Jake Layman

UPDATED JULY 25 - After Pau Gasol signing

在一个previous FanPostI discussed the Blazers 2019-20 Salary Cap.


Summer 2020 Is A Year Away

为什么现在谈论2020年夏天和2020-21名单?因为开拓者本赛季与合同所做的事情将对他们在2020 - 21年的机会产生巨大影响。这些机会可能包括超过2100万美元的帽子房间加上其他工具(例外),以重塑其Dame,CJ和Nurk核心的名册。



Or, how about trading CJ or Nurk for an elite player? We can’t rule that out, but we know the bonds that exist between Dame and CJ, Dame and Nurk, and how Neil views his Dame-CJ backcourt. And we should realize the unlikelihood of making trades of that magnitude without creating a new roster hole while trying to fill an existing hole.

So although we can’t rule out The Big Trade That Changes Everything this season, counting on it to happen is beyond foolish. We need to look ahead and see what the Blazers can do in 2020-21 if it doesn’t happen.


在我用比您想了解的帽子室更多的时候,这是底线(实际上只是我们的起点)。如果开拓者不再添加更多的合同球员,这些合同延长了2019 - 20年,则他们将进入2020-21夏季,其中7个球员在保证的合同和2名球员(Hood和Hezonja)以及球员选项下。

Hezonja开始他的第四年,并根据最低薪水合同进行比赛。如果他表现良好,他可能会拒绝选择自己的选择,以便获得更好的合同,并且如果他在这里没有足够的机会,他仍然会拒绝继续前进的选择。明年,胡德的制作少于纳税人中级例外,因此他可能会拒绝明年夏天在Rich NBA获得更好合同的选择。

Should both of those players exercise their options and leave, the Blazers will have $21.1M in Cap Room (I'll list alternative scenarios later).

波特兰 2020-21
1 达米安·利拉德(Damian Lillard) 31,626,953
2 C.J. McCollum 29,354,152
3 Jusuf Nurkic 12,888,889
4 扎克·柯林斯(Zach Collins)(第四年) 5,406,255
5 Anfernee Simons (3rd year) 2,252,040
6 Nassir Little 2,207,880
7 加里·特伦特(Gary Trent JR)(第三年) 1,663,861
8 名册充电 955,000
9 名册充电 955,000
10 名册充电 955,000
11 名册充电 955,000
12 名册充电 955,000
13 新玩家
14 新玩家
15 Empty
小计(12名球员) 90,175,030
死钱 4,757,775
Subtotal w/Dead Money 94,932,805
Salary Cap 116,000,000
盖帽 (21,067,195)

似乎7或8点名单filled with that $21.1M of Cap Room. That is NOT the case. Below I will take you step-by-step through a simple scenario to show how the Blazers can actually spend more than $33M to create their 2020-21 roster.

但是首先,我将解释一下花名册,贫困和帽子的薪水如何确定团队薪水和房间。然后如何使用房间例外和最低工资例外来完成名册。如果您已经熟悉这些概念,请跳过BUILDING THE 2020-21 ROSTER


Team Salary determines how much Room (a CBA defined term) the Blazers have under the Salary Cap, or if they are over the Salary Cap. Team Salary consists of multiple components, but for our purposes it is the sum of the Salaries of the players under contract, Dead Money owed to waived players, and Cap Holds.

Room is defined as the difference between the Team Salary and the Salary Cap. It is the maximum amount of money, at any particular point in time, that can be spent on a Free Agent, or to execute a trade that increases the Team Salary, without using some type of Exception. But Room can NOT be aggregated with other Exceptions to acquire a player.



There will also be a Cap Hold in the Team Salary for each un-renounced Free Agent (FA). I've assumed all FA’s are renounced to compute the maximum available Room.



One of the questions most often asked is whether a team can use Room under the Salary Cap to sign FA’s or make trades, and then when the Room is consumed use the Non-Taxpayer MLE (Mid-Level Exception) or BAE (Bi-Annual Exception) to go over the Salary Cap to sign another FA, or use a TPE (Traded Player Exception) from a previous trade to acquire another player in a trade. The answer is NO!


So, a team can NOT use both Room and any of those Exceptions in the same year. However, there’s a twist. It’s the Room Mid-Level Exception.


Team’s that go far enough under the Salary Cap that they lose their other MLE’s and BAE, receive a Room MLE that can be used to sign FA’s to contracts of 2 years or less. The Room MLE is projected to be $5.1M for 2020-21.


As of now, the Blazers have 5 players with contracts that will expire at the end of the 2019-20 season, and 2 players with Player Options that can end their contracts. All players with contracts that end become Free Agents. Each Free Agent initially has a cap hold based on their previous salary.

The 2020-21 Cap Holds for players currently under contract:

Player / Status / Blazers Maximum Offer / Cap Hold

Hood / Early Bird (if player option declined) / $10.0M (1.75x salary) / $7.4M (1.3x salary)

hezonja / non-bird(如果拒绝球员选项) / 210万美元(1.2倍) / 210万美元(1.2倍薪水)

Whiteside / Bird / Player's Maximum / $34.8M (1.5x salary, limited by his maximum salary)

Bazemore / Bird / Player's Maximum / $28.9M (1.5x salary)

Tolliver / Non-Bird / $3.1M (1.2x salary) / $3.1M (1.2x salary)

Gasol / Non-Bird / $3.1M (1.2x salary) / $3.1M (1.2x salary)

Labissiere / RFA($ 350万美元) /鸟 /球员最多 / 700万美元(3.0倍新秀比例薪水低于NBA平均工资)

As you can see the Cap Holds are very large. With those Cap Holds the Team Salary would be about $174M, which is $58M over the Salary Cap. The Blazers would only have a $6.1M TaxPayer Mid Level Exception to spend on Free Agents, and as a taxpaying team would be limited to trades with 125% salary matches. However, they could re-sign any of those Free Agents up to the maximum salaries listed above (based on their years of experience) using the various forms of their Bird Rights as listed above.



If a Free Agent is Renounced his Bird Rights are lost. They could still re-sign that Free Agent later, but then they must have sufficient Room for his new salary under the Salary Cap, use the Room MLE, or use a Mid-Level or Bi-Annual Exception if they stay over the Salary Cap.





My goal, within this overall 2020 Cap Room Strategy, would be toacquire a talented, legitimate starting SF (preferably)to complete a starting lineup with Dame, CJ, Nurk, and Zach. I’m not expecting an all-star level player (we couldn’t afford one anyway after we extend Dame, CJ, Nurk, and Zach) but rather a consistent 4th scorer to add to the front line defense of Zach and Nurk. Although I believe Zach will become a better Center than PF, I’m hopeful he will develop sufficient skills (2020 will be his 4th year) to start at PF and then back up Nurk at Center when we rotate in a PF off the bench. i.e. a 3-man Big rotation.

不像汇票策略,我认为BPA(Best Player Available) if that turned out to be a PF or a Shooting Guard. Those acquisitions could open up eventual trade scenarios with Zach, Nurk, or CJ. Or perhaps we fall just short of the perfect fit for the starting lineup and acquire an elite 6th man. Again, having Room is all about taking advantage of any opportunities to significantly upgrade the team.

而且我不认为花名册改头换面是在2020 - 21年进行的。可能只是倒数第二年。次年,当我们通过主要的最终交易完成工作时,可能是2021 - 22年。我们应该拥有很多可能的资深人才来交易-CJ,Nurk和其他我们添加的其他人,以及在Zach,Simons,Trent以及Skal和Skal和Little的年轻但经验丰富的资产。然后在名册中再添加一名MLE球员。



场景示例 - 一步一步



几乎最大的帽室 - 2.21亿美元,胡德拒绝了他的球员选择并离开。Hezonja练习他的球员选择并留下来。

Minimum Cap Room - $15.0M, Both Hood and Hezonja exercise their Player Options and stay.

Almost Minimum Cap Room - $16.0M, Hezonja declines his Player Option and leaves. Hood exercises his Player Option and stays.

For this example I'll use the Almost Minimum Cap Room scenario

To make this example easier to follow I’ve labeled each of the remaining open roster spots according to its eventual usage.

波特兰 2020-21
1 达米安·利拉德(Damian Lillard) 31,626,953
2 C.J. McCollum 29,354,152
3 Jusuf Nurkic 12,888,889
4 Rodney Hood 5,985,000
5 扎克·柯林斯(Zach Collins)(第四年) 5,406,255
6 Anfernee Simons (3rd year) 2,252,040
7 Nassir Little 2,207,880
8 加里·特伦特(Gary Trent JR)(第三年) 1,663,861
9 兽医入门 955,000
10 兽医使用帽子室 955,000
11 房间例外 955,000
12 名册充电 955,000
13 新玩家
14 新玩家
15 Empty
小计(14名球员) 95,205,030
死钱 4,757,775
Subtotal w/Dead Money 99,962,805
Salary Cap 116,000,000
盖帽 (16,037,195)

We begin with $16.0M in Room, 8 players, and 4 Roster Charges. We could spend the entire $16.0M on one FA starter, but that would only leave us with the Room Exception and Minimum Salary Exception players to eventually fill out a 14 man roster.

步骤1– I’ll assume we spend $14M on a starting SF either as a free agent or acquired in an uneven trade. That’s $4.2M (43%) more than the Non-taxpayer Mid-Level Exception, giving us a huge advantage over MLE teams and those teams with some remaining cap room left after the really elite free agents have been swept up early in the free agency period. It’s also a very sizable amount that could be used to pick up a starter in an uneven trade, opening more opportunities to take advantage of other teams manipulating their rosters while hunting big name free agents.

波特兰 2020-21
1 达米安·利拉德(Damian Lillard) 31,626,953
2 C.J. McCollum 29,354,152
3 Jusuf Nurkic 12,888,889
4 Rodney Hood 5,985,000
5 扎克·柯林斯(Zach Collins)(第四年) 5,406,255
6 Anfernee Simons (3rd year) 2,252,040
7 Nassir Little 2,207,880
8 加里·特伦特(Gary Trent JR)(第三年) 1,663,861
9 兽医入门 14,000,000
10 兽医使用帽子室 955,000
11 房间例外 955,000
12 名册充电 955,000
13 新玩家
14 新玩家
15 Empty
小计(14名球员) 108,250,030
死钱 4,757,775
Subtotal w/Dead Money 113,007,805
Salary Cap 116,000,000
盖帽 (2,992,195)


第2步– I’ll spend the $3.0M (more than the $2.8M we paid Curry last year) on another veteran rotation player via FA or uneven trade.

波特兰 2020-21
1 达米安·利拉德(Damian Lillard) 31,626,953
2 C.J. McCollum 29,354,152
3 Jusuf Nurkic 12,888,889
4 Rodney Hood 5,985,000
5 扎克·柯林斯(Zach Collins)(第四年) 5,406,255
6 Anfernee Simons (3rd year) 2,252,040
7 Nassir Little 2,207,880
8 加里·特伦特(Gary Trent JR)(第三年) 1,663,861
9 兽医入门 14,000,000
10 兽医使用帽子室 3,000,000
11 房间例外 955,000
12 名册充电 955,000
13 新玩家
14 新玩家
15 Empty
小计(14名球员) 110,295,030
死钱 4,757,775
Subtotal w/Dead Money 115,052,805
Salary Cap 116,000,000
盖帽 (947,195)


步骤3- 添加另一个具有510万美元房间异常的资深足总播放器(或者可以分为两个FA)

波特兰 2020-21
1 达米安·利拉德(Damian Lillard) 31,626,953
2 C.J. McCollum 29,354,152
3 Jusuf Nurkic 12,888,889
4 Rodney Hood 5,985,000
5 扎克·柯林斯(Zach Collins)(第四年) 5,406,255
6 Anfernee Simons (3rd year) 2,252,040
7 Nassir Little 2,207,880
8 加里·特伦特(Gary Trent JR)(第三年) 1,663,861
9 兽医入门 14,000,000
10 兽医使用帽子室 3,000,000
11 房间例外 5,100,000
12 名册充电 955,000
13 新玩家
14 新玩家
15 Empty
小计(14名球员) 114,440,030
死钱 4,757,775
Subtotal w/Dead Money 119,197,805
Salary Cap 116,000,000
盖帽 3,197,805


第4步- 现在,我必须填写名册(必须有14名球员),其中包括新秀(但不能第一轮选秀权)或资深球员,以最低的薪水合同。我喜欢兽医,这就是如何工作。


最低薪水例外使团队可以在球员的最低工资中添加球员,即使球队超出了薪水上限,也没有其他例外。第二轮选秀权和非选秀新秀的最低工资为2020-21美元约为95.5万美元。Players with 3 years or more experience can be signed to 1-year minimum salary contracts, which only count against the Team Salary the equivalent of a 2-year player’s minimum salary (about $1.7M), and the league pays the additional part of that players minimum salary.

波特兰 2020-21
1 达米安·利拉德(Damian Lillard) 31,626,953
2 C.J. McCollum 29,354,152
3 Jusuf Nurkic 12,888,889
4 Rodney Hood 5,985,000
5 扎克·柯林斯(Zach Collins)(第四年) 5,406,255
6 Anfernee Simons (3rd year) 2,252,040
7 Nassir Little 2,207,880
8 加里·特伦特(Gary Trent JR)(第三年) 1,663,861
9 兽医入门 14,000,000
10 兽医使用帽子室 3,000,000
11 房间例外 5,100,000
12 兽医最低 1,700,000
13 兽医最低 1,700,000
14 兽医最低 1,700,000
15 Empty
小计(14名球员) 118,585,030
死钱 4,757,775
Subtotal w/Dead Money 123,342,805
Salary Cap 116,000,000
盖帽 7,342,805
Tax Level 141,000,000
超过税收水平 (17,657,195)

I finish this scenario $7.3M over the Salary Cap, but $17.7M under the luxury tax level in 2020-21.

全新球员薪水总数 - 比房间还要多得多

It's very important to realize there's a lot more available salary to remake the roster and fill the empty player slots than just the initial Room amount.

In this example the total salaries of the 7 additional players (including Hood) that were added is $33.2M, which is $12.1M more than the initial $21.1M Room. That is because the initial Room included 5 temporary Incomplete Roster Charges, and doesn't include the $5.1M Room Exception, or the veteran Minimum Salary Exceptions.


In 2021-22 Dame’s Super-max contract increases by about $11M, and CJ is eligible for about a $7M increase (max contract). That would put us right around the tax threshold. We could still use the Taxpayer MLE ($6.3M) and add a 1st round draft pick to replace 2 of the prior $1.7M vets. However, Zach will be a restricted free agent looking for a big salary, so it’s probably the year we finally look to make a significant trade using our considerable assets (the kids we developed, CJ, Nurk, and the new vets we added). It’s impossible to say what moves we would make then, but we should have a very nice set of assets for deals.

That’s All Folks

If a GM offers Blake Griffin or one of a dozen other Elite guys for just our expiring contracts - any of us will instantly take that deal and start planning The Parade. Short of that, I’ll keep my fingers crossed that something else great, but more realistic, makes this article superfluous. But, I don’t expect that will happen. So I hope Neil doesn’t do something minor that uses up the 2020 Room because of fan impatience, and kills the真正重制阵容的最后机会在Dame,CJ和Nurk的合同延期之前,再次使我们瘫痪。