
Butler to Rockets craziness...

I see Houston grasping at straws after the giant contract they gave Chris Paul. You hear about them trying to clear space to do a sign and trade with Philly for Jimmy Butler. They would gut their team to have 3 stars?? I am not sure why Philly would actually do this unless Butler tells them 100% he is not going to resign with them for any reason.

If that were the case and we are just talking basketball, couldn't the Blazers offer them a more compelling package for a maxed Butler?

You could offer Simons, Harkless, Leonard and a first. They would get cap space before they have to re up with Simmons, and two young prospects just for executing the sign and trade.

In theory, you could even offer them CJ for a resigned Butler if you wanted to go that far. I wouldn't but I could see how he would really help them and Butler would do alot for the Blazers. A bit too much of a headcase for my liking but if Houston can get him, the Blazers should be able to as well.