
Choose Your Own Adventure: Blazer Edition

When I was growing up, I loved the Choose Your Own Adventure books. Most of the time, I would try not to look ahead and see which result would end the adventure (though sometimes I couldn’t help myself). So it got me thinking which decision that fans think the Blazers should’ve made and at what point in the season and what alternative decision they should’ve made. Should it have been all the way at the beginning of the off season and not do one or more of the moves? When Zach got hurt? The signing of Melo? Etc.

To keep it simple, let’s keep it to only one move or non-move that you think could’ve made the season turn out better or would have made it worse. Also, assume the other moves that did happen still happened.

例如,Bazemore-Turner互换。如果你这nk it shouldn’t have been made, and they kept him. How would that have made the season better or would it have made it worse? Or should a different trade had been made involving Turner? And what those ramifications would’ve been on the season. Also, if it is an alternate trade or signing try to keep it realistic. So no, Anthony Davis trades for Bazemore, Hezonja and a ham sandwich type deals.

Go at it in the comments and enjoy!