
NBA allowing 17 players allowed on roster instead of 15.

I was reading an article on Bleacher Report that said the NBA is allowing teams included in the restart a period to sign free agents and get there roster up to 17 players. Im wondering what players you all think the Blazers should sign if anyone and if you all think allowing the extra two players to rosters should even be allowed. I understand that it could make a huge difference on helping injuries go down and that it could help teams who are already dealing with injuries. So what 2 players do you feel could help make a difference for our Blazers? I looked thru the available free agents and truthfully a few key players are still free agents that could help balance our roster out. First there's Allen Crabbe. He's another shooter and one of the only reasons we traded him to Brooklyn was his atrocious contract. He could help us alot I feel. Second there's Jordan Bell. He is an energy changer and could help our team play faster while being more aggressive. Third there's Kenneth Faried. He's a true power forward who could help Nurk transition back slowly along with Collins. He is a proven rebounder who also has some toughness in his game. Fourth there's I really dont want to say this one but Chandler Parsons. He could help balance Melos minutes at SF and hes a shooter who just needs the chance to bounce back to who he once was. There's a few more on the free agent list I feel have the ability to help alter our lineups and help us get into the playoffs and who knows how far we could end up making it. Anyhow please let me know what you all think and lets get this NBA season kickstarted already. Go Blazers