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Jacked Ramsays邮政游戏:99个问题,但一条道路赢得不是一个


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NBA:休斯敦火箭队的波特兰径丝石 Erik Williams-USA今天的运动

胜利是一个胜利。即使它如此丑陋,它表现出身体疼痛,它仍然是一场胜利。即使你在休克和恐怖的凝视之间交替,也陷入了不受控制地凝视或厌恶地凝视。它仍然是一个胜利!有了那个,波特兰径开拓者赢了!击败休斯敦火箭(左右,我被告知),104-92。进来并庆祝最丑陋的胜利与主机Danny Marang和Brandon Sprague在Jacked Ramsays Post Game展会上显示!

Thankfully, Nassir Little has a face everyone can and should love - because as was stated previously... U-G-L-Y this game has no alibi... Little bounce, bounded, bulled, and bodied his way to a wildly impressive night on the glass (14 rebounds) and 13 points as he played all over the floor and lineup. He brought hustle, energy, give-a-damn and what really mattered - EFFECTIVENESS. Jusuf Nurkic sported one of the weirder lines in a while - getting up only 3 total shots but getting to the line for ten free throws and converting them all.

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