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佩顿和Justin Termine在SiriusXM电台谈论了利拉德和他在开拓者的现状以及他的职业生涯。

这些都是由SiriusXM的营销部门直接提供的,下面的摘录来自12月9日的SiriusXM NBA电台,主持人Justin Termine和Eddie Johnson。

Justin Termine:“我最近看了一部关于KG的纪录片,他说你说服他去波士顿,在那里他最终赢得了戒指,所以这是一个明智的决定。我这么说是因为还有另一个奥克兰人,达米安·利拉德,我认为他现在正处在一个类似KG和他当时所经历的事情的十字路口。看起来他们并没有一个光明的未来,今年到目前为止波特兰的情况很糟糕。你希望看到他发生什么或者你会给达米安·利拉德什么建议在这样的情况下,他正在经历什么?”

佩顿:“这是一个很好的问题。那天我和达米安一起看了金州勇士队的比赛,我们一起拍了一部关于奥克兰75分的纪录片。我们聊着聊着,我告诉他,我说,‘看,你是这样的人,我们是一样的人。我们来自同一个地方。我不想离开西雅图。我不想那么做。我不在乎事情进展如何,但他们(听不清)想要交易我。我说:‘让他们拿你换吧。不要自找麻烦。别这样。 Don’t be that way. Build it up, be your guy.’ I don’t like teaming up with other guys to win championships. I just don’t like doing that. He got drafted to Portland. He changed Portland. He turned it around. They were going downhill and he started making ‘em come up. They were going to playoffs. He was making big shots. He was doing things. He agrees. He doesn’t want a trade. He’s not gonna ask for a trade. He’s just gonna work with it because a lot of things is going on in Portland. My guy Chauncey Billups is the head coach. I love it. You know what I’m saying? You’re just gonna have to work it out. I think that’s the organization’s problem. I think the organization has to get him a better team. I think the organization has to work with them to do things that they have to do to build this team up. You’re going through a lot of injuries right now. But with Portland, I haven’t seen any changes. I haven’t seen nothing that’s gonna say you have made me better. You know what I’m saying? And make my guy who is the guy around me, who is going be my future in Damian Lillard, and even [CJ] McCollum, you haven’t made any changes to make us be happy to say that we got some other dogs to go around us. And they have to do that. I think that firing the president and the general manager, it was what you did. You put him in there and he didn’t do anything. So you figured that it was a mistake. Now what are you gonna do to correct that mistake? Do I get Damian and McCollum happy? Yes, I have to do that. Do I have to go with Chauncey Billups and get him some help? Yes I do. So I think that that’s what they have to do. And I don’t think Damian is gonna ask for trade anytime soon.”


佩顿:“是的,这很令人沮丧,因为他想赢得总冠军。他总是跟我说这些。他会说,‘OG,你所做的一切我都能做到,但我真的想赢得总冠军。’我说,‘有时候那得等等再说。’我说,‘那你想做什么?你是想和别人合作还是想自己赢?他的回答很快就出来了。我想靠自己赢。我不是那样的人。这就是他必须等待的。他很沮丧,因为他不是失败者。他是一个赢家。当你知道你可以赢得篮球比赛时,你会感到沮丧,但是如果你身边有正确的团队,你就会赢。 And he hasn’t had that yet. And I think that that’s what he’s frustrated about is every day he goes out there and you don’t gimme the pieces that I really need. But I do have pieces. Now let’s do something. Let’s get us some more pieces and get us some more things and we can see what we can do.”
