

我爱CJ麦科勒姆,真的。他是一个伟大的球员,一个伟大的队友,在社区中也是伟大的。这几年我一直在说,这支球队真的需要一个能防守的二后卫。这支球队已经发现,在小加里·特伦特身上,这支球队在CJ受伤后崛起对我来说不是巧合。在过去3-4周的比赛中,我对开拓者的表现感到惊讶。不只是特伦特,西蒙斯也出现了。我最担心的是休赛期我们买不起小特伦特。如果他离开的话,我会把这记为开拓者历史上最大的损失之一。我们要怎么做才能留住他?这是一个选择。 Trade CJ to create cap room. This team is already playing better with Trent and Simons, so why not get a big man in return for CJ and potentially get some 1st round picks as well in which is arguably the best draft class in years? I’d love to see this team keep pushing forward with the guys who are helping this team win. I’d love to hear people’s thoughts on this and welcome any feedback.
