本赛季我只看了几场比赛(包括昨晚对凯尔特人的比赛),但从这些比赛中我看到了一些我个人的观察。小琼斯和卡温顿的加入似乎事与愿违;要么是他们的防守能力被高估了,要么是斯托特需要一个至少能指导球队进行某种防守的人来取代他。看他们在"D"上比赛很痛苦。球员们经常看在位置之外,他们似乎随机决定包抄一个球员,让对方在三分线外有很大的空档,然后不去试图接近他们,往往只是看着对方投篮。这让NBA球员们意识到没有压力,这变成了投篮练习。在对阵开拓者的比赛中,大多数对手的命中率都超过50%。很多次,球员在假球时跳起来(这是很多球员,但请注意卡温顿),或者在空投时跑过去(看着你小琼斯)。甜瓜在防守上给哈登展示了一些东西。昨天晚上在第三节的最后一节,一个球没有投进,球从篮筐艰难地传到了防守中心,甜瓜本可以轻松地把凯尔特人球员抢到球,但他几乎没有做出任何努力;在一场激烈的比赛中! . Once a Blazer strength, team defensive rebounding seems to be an afterthought. Last night Blazers down one with less than a minute to go and Nurkic fouls (shooting foul to boot) a guy 40' from the basket with the shot clock winding down (what). This team looks out of sorts. At this point of the season to watch a team play disjointed is not good. People are saying what a great effort last night, but the Celtics are not that good this year. With Liliard and CJ (and now Powell) the offense will continue to be ok but Dame is beginning to look very frustrated, and I don't think it is all about the refs. The Blazers are my guys and I will continue to cheer for them, but maybe a coaching change is needed for a reset.