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Damian Lillard在东京媒体可用性期间讨论了Trail Blazers在自由造型中的移动。

篮球 - 奥运会:第13天 照片由Stephen Gosling / NBAE通过Getty Images

Trail Blazers保留了Norman Powell,并与三个新角色扮演者达到了适度的协议。在Cody Zeller,Tony Snell和Ben McLemore的增加之后,Star Guard Damian Lillard在东京媒体可用性期间讨论了波特兰的举动。

篮球新闻贡献者Chris Sheridan突出了Lillard所做的评论。从Lillard的角度来看,波特兰降落了一些目标并错过了别人。

“显然,这场圆形,我们无法走到那里,让一些我们有人喜欢的家伙,”Lillard说。“You know, you go down the list and you go through the guys you like that are out there and haven’t committed to another team or that was a part of your plans in free agency and you get the ones that want to be a part of what you are doing, and I think that’s what we did.”

