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NBA:洛杉矶湖人队对阵波特兰开拓者队 Soobum im -今日美国体育

卡梅罗·安东尼已经不再是波特兰开拓者自从与洛杉矶湖人队在休赛期,但他仍然热爱波特兰。雅虎体育的克里斯·海恩斯(Chris Haynes)在他的播客“克里斯·海恩斯贴上去”中采访了甜瓜。海恩斯和甜瓜讨论了这位明星到目前为止的休赛期,以及他考虑去除了洛杉矶以外的其他地方。他们还讨论了他的新回忆录,明天没有承诺,该报告于周二正式发布。


“说实话,我发现自己就像坐在那里等待波特兰的到来,我只是想,你知道,我还不想和任何人说话,只是想看看,你知道,看看波特兰会发生什么,你知道,看看会发生什么。我跟达姆和CJ谈过了。你知道,我们总是聊天,我们不只是聊天但我只是等着看,好吧,他们会打电话吗?他们感兴趣吗?我什么都没听到,他们想让我回来吗?他们想继续生活吗?我知道他们换了新教练。你知道,我肯定那里发生了很多事情,只是不清楚。但是,是的,我在等着看会发生什么。你知道的。 I made that almost like a home for me. Like within two years I just felt like I was part of that community.”





“听着,你了解我和夫人的友谊,所以你知道我们一直在交谈。我们的谈话从来没有像‘伙计,我要走了’你知道我在说什么吗?你知道,就像Dame是波特兰。而且永远是波特兰。下一个人要做很多事,你知道我在说什么,才能到达Dame在波特兰的位置。那是他的城镇,他的城市,他的组织。我明白了。我是作为一个经历过这种情况的人来找他的,不止一次。在不同的地方见过几次。所以我们从没说过他要离开。 He’s never talked about leaving. What he talked about is, I wanna win, and I wanna do it here in Portland but if it’s not gonna work, it’s not gonna work. And I think that’s the battle that he deals with. He wanna win, and he wanna be in Portland. He want—as Portland is his. But I know he’s thinking, am I gonna win here. Everybody else is saying the same thing. But it’s more so the outside noise than anything else. You know it wasn’t like we was discussing it all the time. Yeah I gave him advice and you know we don't got to speak on that or the things that we talked about. But it’s more the outside world that’s like, ‘Well Dame should leave and he should go here and he should go there you know they putting him on different uniforms and the guy’s still under contract! You know he never asked for a trade, he never asked to do this, he never asked to do that.”
