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金州勇士v Portland Trail Blazers 照片由Garrett Ellwood / NBAE通过Getty Images


On the Blazers side, Anfernee Simons led the way with an efficient 24-point performance, and he got modest-but-productive performances from a few teammates. The loss moves Portland to 25-35, still in the Western Conference’s No. 10 spot, and one-and-a-half games ahead of圣安东尼奥马刺

Stay tuned for Ryan Buchanan’s extended recap; in the meantime, here are some quarter-for-quarter thoughts.


踢的东西有点有趣的事实:波特兰径燃烧器进入今晚的游戏,没有他们的上赛季球队每比较八分之一。有一种共识,在某些时候,坦克应该开始;它肯定不会在第一季度开始。波特兰通过他们的立即针对战士取得了立即成功自己的talented backcourt. Anfernee Simons and Josh Hart combined to start a perfect 8-for-8 from the field, taking advantage of either Simons’ pick-and-roll versatility, or the Lillard-like advantage it creates when he takes two defenders with him.

In the process, it was noteworthy in how fast the Blazers’ pace was. They’ve shown a willingness to snag rebounds and fly out in transition as of late. Though, as they soon learned in playing the Western Conference’s No. 2 seed, the Warriors could match their strengths point-for-point. Both teams quickly reached double-figures in transition points, the Warriors using their share to claw back in. After opening up a 10-point lead midway through the opening frame, the Blazers had only a 32-31 lead to show for it.



If Curry decides to ever grow bored with basketball, he certainly put enough on tape to try out for quarterback in the near future. On Blazers misses and turnovers — there were a很多人在本季度- 咖喱懒人的全堂法院对队友来说,保持记分牌操作员忙碌。在防守方面,金州去了一场比赛战略,使用了6英尺7脚乔纳森·康那和他的6英尺11英尺的翅膀和安德鲁·威廉队对他来说相对困难。我们说“亲戚”,因为西蒙斯仍然很容易得分,一半左右得分。那些努力出现了果皮,因为外燃果无法在没有结垢的情况下捍卫。总而言之,战士举行了一个70-57边的边缘。


最终,它并没有多久,不可避免的to rear its ugly head. The Blazers, though gritty, energetic and competitive, couldn’t match the Warriors’ star-powered offense point-for-point, and further struggled to score on its No. 1-ranked defense. Twice, they cut the score to a dozen, though that deficit eventually ballooned to a 29-point advantage for Golden State.


Fourth Quarter:

经过this point in the game, both teams had elected to put their starters on the bench. Even so, it was glaringly obvious that the Warriors’ group was more prepared to take an edge. Jordan Poole took on a role as the best player on the court in the final frame, threading in assists into the teeth of the Blazers’ nonexistent defense for quick paint scores. By this point, the Warriors had nearly doubled Portland’s paint-scoring output, padding on a lead that now sat in the 30s.

虽然,在加法方面,它确实允许一些燃烧器的最新人才将一些游戏放在磁带上。布兰登威廉姆斯,在他的第三个NBA游戏中,展示了他的进攻技巧,击中了他的第一个职业3指针;新收购Keon Johnson展示了一些细微差别,鸣喇叭,并使用漂亮的旋转举动进入不同的财产的车道;Elijah Hughes将他的射击触摸和能力推动磁带上的速度。在与游戏中的事情的盛大计划中不再有问题,也许它并不是那么多。但它在最后三个季度难以来的夜晚持续存在。


Stay tuned for Ryne Buchanan’s extended analysis of tonight’s game.


在星期天的夜晚倾斜之前,燃烧器会休息两天丹佛掘金队2月27日PM PM PT。