
Trendon Watford.... If Only 2022-2023 Season

I'll admit I don't get to see a lot of NBA Games. But, the ones I have seen Trendon Watford play in are enticing. He seems very comfortable on the floor and I am often surprised by the level of comfort he has handling the ball. He seems to have quite a BBIQ for a young player. Given the contract, it is easy to understand a "Daydream" I had as I was driving today. An entertained thought of, "What would Trendon have to do to be a starter next season at Power Forward."

This question begins and ends with how he would compliment Damian. So, I came up with some things.

1) Can he contribute without the ball in his hands? So far, he seems fine as that player. I wouldn't expect much else either.

2) Can he defend? So far it seems plausible. He seems to be a quick learner that is welcoming that.

3)作为一名大前锋,他反弹足够吗?交流tually, I think so. If Nurkic is out starter, he can gobble up 12-15 rebounds with a guy beside him that simply keeps opponents from having a clear path to steal boards.

4) Set screens? I don't know if that is that important. Nurkic and Damian will be the primary PNR. But, I have no reason to believe he is not adequate.

5) Likely the most important role of a guy on the floor with Damian.... Can he be a release that makes other teams pay when the pressure is focused on Damian?

So, number 5 is where I woke up. I'm not saying it's impossible. Trendon typically makes very good decisions and seems to find himself in the right spots inordinately for a young guy. It made me consider what we have seen in the past.

As a young player, Damian had LMA at the 4. LMA was the focus and the pressure wasn't huge on Damian. Nothing like now. So, Trendon is no LMA nor do I expect that anytime soon. Or, ever. Damian, Nurk and Ant will be the focal points of the offense. We just need guys good enough to keep the other teams honest, very honest.

The next iteration of Damian's career had Aminu. Aminu's shooting percentage from 3 often told a story of a good outlet. However, who didn't gasp at his shot mechanics in the worst of ways or yell, "No, No No" when he put the ball on the floor? Teams dared Aminu to make them pay for leaving him at the three point line and for good reason.

Trendon has way better handles and I feel a better BBIQ. He isn't the rebounder yet. Here's the rub. His shot mechanics may not be horrible. But his small NBA sample size shows his percentage at 22% so far. Ok, small sample size. So what does one do next? Let's look at his free throw percentage as we are told that often shows potential.

Trendon shoots 78% from the stripe. Hey, that's not horrible! So, let's delve deeper.

在这里,我真的醒了。Trendon拍摄66% from the stripe in College and 29% from the three point line (That is much closer)..... Yes, role... Yes he is young and can get better. But those were certainly a wet towel on the fire I was starting to build. Imagine the CAP flexibility if Only, at his contract......

My hope was a deeper dive would show something in three point land. In interviews he talks about making this in college and being more of a scorer then. But, hmmmm.... Color me not convinced.

My hope was Trendon would show enough to entertain this fantasy. A guy that doesn't need the ball to make a difference. A guy willing to do what is needed. A guy that can be smart enough to know when to make himself available and put the ball on the floor if teams close out on his three point shot.... And, there's the rub. Why would they?

Besides simply learning more, Trendon could make a great career by adding one skill and that's being a danger from 3. But, hey, what guy wouldn't increase his odds dramatically by simply being effective from 3?