
Lillard clearly likes being a "big fish in a small pond"...

My question is, could he be a "big fish in a big pond"? Somehow, I wonder. Sure, he has the pressure in this town of being the best player on the team and one of the best, if not the best, player in Blazer history. I get that this is real pressure. However, does he have what it takes to take "Lillard Time" to a big time, contending team like the Bucks? I have to wonder. Let's say the Bucks are playing game seven for all of the marbles and Lillard has the ball with 10 seconds left and the Bucks are down 2-does he take the three to win it or does he pass it off?

As I've posted before, while I respect his loyalty to the Blazers and Portland, he is, after all, paid very handsomely for that loyalty. Would he, for example, take less money to go to a team that will actually be contending for a ring while he's still got mileage in him? He acts like an alpha dog, but staying with the Blazers doesn't say alpha to me. It says "I'm cool with staying with this team, even if it never wins a championship". He has to know in his heart that this team isn't going to win it all while he's here. I've seen quotes attributed to him recently that, though he doesn't want to leave Portland, he wouldn't fight if the team decided to move him. That seems passive aggressive to me-emphasize passive. Maybe he wants the team to make the hard decision he can't make. Trade him though he doesn't want to leave, and he's still the hometown hero and team ownership is the villain. No one ever said Lillard isn't smart.