
Fan/Community owned Trail Blazers

I’m positive I’m not the first to think of this, and honestly it’s a 1:1,000,000 odds, but why can’t we buy the team together, like the Greenbay Packers in the 1950s did and Portland fans, as equitable as possible, buy the team we love instead of Jody selling to a billionaire who will use it for tax breaks? We could, with the help of people far smarter than myself, potentially achieve the impossible. No idea what Paul’s long term intentions for the team, but in my heart would like to think he’d want the Blazers to win another championship for the team, the city, and all the long suffering Blazer fans who ache for another 1997. Ideally with Dame being able to contend in his prime. I’ll leave it at that, a seed of an idea.

Last note, I cried at 16 with a dozen other high school friends that watched this team collapse in the last minutes of the Scottie (my all time favorite player) Blazers, when the could have crushed the Pacers if not for some kind of cosmic intervention working through Kobe and Shaq.