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Bleacher报告的Jake Fischer说,所有权可能不会等待新的电视交易。

NBA:波特兰开拓者的丹佛掘金 Jaime Valdez-Usa今天的运动


While league personnel have been on the lookout for a potential change in Blazers ownership, initial word suggested such a transition might not come until the NBA’s new television deal begins in 2025. But since the conclusion of the regular season, several industry sources have pointed to this summer as the early beginning of Portland’s exploration of the market for new ownership.

联盟数字现在预计,在接下来的18个月中的某个时候,开拓者的出售将很快完成。这就引出了一个问题:如果不这样做的话,波特兰在休赛期增加了利拉德的人才会有多大的动力,这最终可能会导致他有一天要求交易 - 就像竞争对手的团队肯定仍然希望 - 大概会降低球队的整体价值吗?

菲舍尔还确认,乔·克罗宁(Joe Cronin)被普遍期望保留他临时担任的总经理职位。