
Not so 'Super' Teams

There are a number of different definitions for what is a 'Super Team', but for me, it comes down to Elite level Stars recruiting other elite stars to a major market. Second signifier is big name talents, perhaps a bit past their prime join for veteran minimum salaries. Many teams have a a couple on thier roster but Super Teams will often have upwards of 5 veteran mimimum salaries on the roster.

Kistmet or necessity? Ring Chaser veterans get that chance they have been seeking. Super teams elites get some additional big name players at needed bargain prices....needed to float multiple max contracts.

I'll be honest, I've disliked the rigged feeling these teams brought about. And my only solace was that they make for great villains to root against. I have nothing against any of these players individually and don't disparage them for working the system in any way that they can. That said, it still feels cheap and makes their losses all the sweeter.

And lose they have. Lakers didn't make the playoffs. Clippers lost in the play in. And Nets swept in the first round.

Woof! Super Whiff! Yikes!

Are these Super Teams suddenly Super Sad?

Does this change the landscape of baskettball? Is this the end of an era or witll this type of team building always be too tempting?

Where do these teams go from here? Will we see some big market shake ups and breakups?

If so, will any of those big market changes affect the free agent market for the Blazers?