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为什么Trendon Watford对开拓者至关重要

Deep Bench Players通常不会纳入特许经营计划,而是...

休斯顿火箭诉波特兰开拓者 图片由Alika Jenner/Getty图片

The 2021-22 season is one that many波特兰开拓者fans will want to forget. However, even in the pain that was watching the Blazers trip and fall over the finish line, there was a silver lining. Players that normally would not have had a chance to prove themselves in a normal season got extended playing time. One of the best examples of this was Trendon Watford.



Watford saw play early this year in garbage time and as a back up center after Cody Zeller got injured. His backup role will probably serve as an indicator for what he will do moving forward with the Blazers. The question remains, what does this mean for the Blazers future?

Watford showed promise on the defensive side. His defensive rating both pre- and post all-star break matched the team’s rating: 115 before and 125 after the break. These numbers are nothing special, but for a team that struggled defensively all year, the numbers are not alarmingly high either. Watford shows promise defending both in the paint and in his ability to guard opposing big men on the perimeter. He seems to be a good fit as the backup center behind Jusuf Nurkić as he thrived in that role during the four game winning streak right before the all-star break. He also seems to be serviceable enough on the perimeter to be able to play next to Nurkić at times.

Watford’s real value seems to come at the offensive end. His play in the high post as both a threat to score and a facilitator is reminiscent of Nurkić. The 21-year-old big man averaged 3.1 assists in his increased role and played the role of the high post facilitator well. His assist percentage ranks in the 83rd percentile among players at the same position according to Cleaning the Glass. This passing prowess will help the flow of the Blazers offense as it allows for both Anfernee Simons and Damian Lillard to find it easier to get open looks. The high post facilitator is something that the Blazers have come to rely on.

更不用说他在与达米安·利拉德(Damian Lillard)或安弗尼·西蒙斯(Anfernee Simons)这样的主持人合作时在选秀中发挥的潜力。沃特福德(Watford)仅在利拉德(Lillard)的赛季结束后才开始记录重要的几分钟,而西蒙斯(Simons)的结束不久。令人兴奋的是,沃特福德在本赛季后期呈指数级改善后可以对这两名后卫做什么。沃特福德(Watford)在一个两人比赛中以滚动人的身份或在挑选和流行局中工作,两者之一可以打开地板,从沃特福德(Watford)踢出脚步。他作为传球手的比赛和渗透防守能力将导致弯道上的三分球。

In a season that ended up as nothing more than a sprint to the lottery, it’s difficult to assess what parts of a players’ performance are empty stats, and which stats are meaningful Although Watford’s 15.3 point per game tally is likely inflated, the way he got those points showed why he could be valuable to the team. He is decent with the ball in his hands, something he has attributed to working on a point guard skill set when he was younger. He has no problem getting to the basket on his own, but also excels when taking entrance passes.



这个两倍的阵容也将在玻璃上占主导地位。沃特福德(Watford)在进攻篮板率中排名第93个百分点,当他发挥大前锋时,他排名31.8%。他平均每36分钟为8.2个篮板。这种篮板的水平可能就是开拓者需要补充努尔基奇(Nurkić),他在上个赛季参加了56场或更多比赛的球员中以每场篮板的篮板在联盟中排名第八。当开拓者队面对更大的球队时,这个前场可能会有所帮助。他们还可以选择Rand Watford作为较小的五个阵容。

Watford’s greatest asset to this current Blazers roster might be his youth. The former LSU big man is just 21, and he plays like it. Setting aside all the obvious improvement that comes with being young, Trenton Watford plays like he’s betting house money. He is. Watford is an undrafted rookie who got a shot to show what he’s worth with a team that gave him the longest leash they could. He plays with energy, he plays like he wants to be out there, and most importantly, he’s willing to do what it takes to stay out there. He’ll fight in the trenches for loose balls and make winning plays, because that’s what he knows will keep him on the court. He plays with energy and just seems happy to be out on the floor. He always has a smile on his face, on the court or cheering from the bench.

The Blazers haven’t had many draft picks in the last few seasons, but seemed poised to shift slightly towards a younger team. Watford seems to be right in the middle of that transformation going forward, and he could play an important role in coming seasons.