
Lets not continue to follow in the Warriors footprints

NO construction by trying to emulate the Warriors 2 dominate guard line-up, but it never worked for us.

If Dame really wants to be here, lets reward him and build the best possible line-up around him by trading for proven vets instead of hoping that high draft picks pan out like the Warriors are doing now.

All of these situations may not pan out, but there has been smoke on all 3.

希望象素别让季后赛。然后we can trade their lotto pick and for Grant as he should fit into the trade exception created by the CJ trade.

Hopefully Boston loses in the 1st round and JB wants out. We can sign and trade Ant for JB. This would get us out of the 2 small guard line up that Billups doesn't appear to be a fan of.

Hopefully Jimmy B wants out of Miami, he doesn't stay anywhere for long. We can trade our 2022 1st/Hart/Bledsoe and a future 1st for him.

然后we resign Nurk and fill the bench with min salary players and 2nd round picks.

Dame/Jaylen/Jimmy/Grant/Nurk would be easily be our best line-up this century.