
Anthony Davis

Okay yes I don't like writing this as well, but to win a championship in this league you really do need a generational player. The only potential player who fits this description, whomightbe available is AD due to the disappointment around his performance, injury history, and the fact that the Lakers need draft picks back as well as more depth.

If we sign and trade Nurk, Ant, Winslow our first and another two firsts and pick swaps. At least you are going for it this year and next, and you have a chance. You have two top 75 players, a generational talent and if somehow the injury luck goes our way (not likely), then it might be possible.

Those in the "this would mortgage our future" camp, I get it, but that future likely doesn't have a generational talent paired with a homegrown top 75 player. I'd trade the future for one championship.

The lineup would include Dame, Hart, Nas, AD and fillers. I'll take my chances.

No I couldn't run this through the trade machine since the cap situation is so off right now with the Blazers so take all of this as hypothetical.