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Justise Winslow在波特兰有未来吗?

Will the Blazers keep him or try to move him?

波特兰开拓者诉底特律活塞 通过盖蒂图像的布莱恩·塞瓦尔德/nbae摄

波特兰开拓者’ 2021-22 season has come to an end. The summer ahead will hold plenty of decisions for the club. They put 27 different players on the court during the regular season. Not all are still with the team, but enough are that there’s no way the Blazers could retain them all...if they even wanted to. A 27-55 record would argue against a high retention rate, but asterisks abound despite the dismal performance.

通过对波特兰的阵容的年度审查,进入了这个问题的沼泽大步士迪夫·德卡德(Dave Deckard)和迪亚·米勒(Dia Miller)。他们谈论每个球员,然后决定在来年是否会保留或Yeet(抛弃)球员。绩效,健康,年龄,薪水和团队优先/方向都开放供讨论。

今天,我们开始Justise Winslow。开拓者队在赛季中期的交易中获得了6'6前锋,这使诺曼·鲍威尔和罗伯特·卡温顿洛杉矶快船. Winslow averaged 10.7 points and 6.3 rebounds in 26.8 minutes per game over 11 appearances for the Blazers. He shot 40.5% from the field, 27.0% from the arc. He has a single year remaining on his contract. Is he worth keeping around next season?

戴夫:到目前为止,我们谈论的大多数人都是初学者或深层替补球员。在这里,我们拥有团队中为数不多的补间:Justise Winslow。下个赛季,他在交易的最后一年赚了400万美元。我们已经谈论过要保持Drew Eubanks和Trenton Watford。你也保留温斯洛吗?

DIA:Winslow comes in solid with defense. So in the past that would be a really quick keep. That’s always a place of struggle for the Blazers, and getting rid of defensive players in the past was always risky because we needed them so badly. I’m kind of at a place now with this season where so much is up in the air and the roster could change, so maybe the way to think about this is, “Is this a player that I want next to Damian Lillard?” While I want the ball in Dame’s hands as much as possible offensively, I like what Justise has to offer.

戴夫:我更中立。当然,我喜欢他showed this year in Portland. But I’ve liked Winslow’s potential before. He’s never been able to put it all together. I pledged this year that unless there was a strong reason to keep someone, I’d vote yeet. This team needs change.

但是我们走了。波特兰的情况使得常识的举动和明智的举动并不总是相同的。真实的谈话:他们真的不需要温斯洛。他不会为他们移动针头。他没有表现出他可以提供扎实的中旋,这就是他们在他的位置中需要的东西。也是真实的谈话:他们的长凳是混乱的。他们几乎没有中档合同可以玩。他们不会在不失去主要球员的情况下产生盖帽空间。在这些条件下,即使可以,放弃温斯洛也没有任何意义。他花了400万美元。 That contract can be used in trades. Otherwise he’ll give themsomething,而且,他和退伍军人的最低合同之间的区别无关紧要。

是的!他的运动能力,带来防守,也许会在Trenchon Watford提供一场精美的决斗?到目前为止,他似乎也喜欢在波特兰打球。

DIA:I always love when these turn into keep! I like Justise. And I agree with your points. I think he’s worth keeping as a rotational player. Plus, you know, he’s fun to watch.


DIA:I would say yes. I think who players are surrounded by (teammates specifically) can have a dramatic impact on development at any age. Especially for guys like Justise who aren’t necessarily stuck in their current ways. One of the things I’ve always appreciated about Damian Lillard on this team is his ability to help players grow into the best version of themselves. While this training and coaching staff is new, so we don’t know quite as much what their potential is, Portland seems to have a way of developing players. I think he will grow and become a better version of himself with this team,



Our story so far...

Anfernee Simons: Dave—Keep, Dia—Keep

Jusuf Nurkic:戴夫(Dave) - 保守,直径 - 保存

本·麦克莱莫尔(Ben McLemore):戴夫(Dave) - 是,dia -keep

CJ Elleby:戴夫(Dave) - 是,dia -die

纳西尔小:戴夫(Dave) - 保守,直径 - 保存

Trenton Watford:戴夫(Dave) - 保守,直径 - 保存

Drew Eubanks:戴夫(Dave) - 保守,直径 - 保存

Justise Winslow:戴夫(Dave) - 是,dia -keep