
20 Questions for Drew Eubanks

I'm going "Old School" here. There was a time when the media actually interviewed players somewhat regularly. Yes, we see interviews. Typically, these are within the context of someone with a teams media interviewing. Though my intent isn't to focus on negative, I also would think such interviews shouldn't be so much fluff. So, if we had access to players and could ask questions, what would they be? What would we like to see behind the curtain so to speak.

I just thought this would be interesting. I have for a large part stepped away from time invested in Blazer fandom. I think it would be fun to do an entire series of what I'd ask in an interview. However, I doubt I will take the time. If someone wants to run with this, go for it.

What would your questions be for Drew Eubanks?

1) I know you'll likely say you don't read Press or Blazers Edge, but how crazy is media in terms of comparison to reality?

2) What would you say to Oregon State Freshman Drew Eubanks if you could talk to him? NBA Rookie Drew Eubanks?

3) What do people not know about being a player for Popovich?

4) Does Pineapple have a place on Pizza?

5) In what way do you think you've grown the most as a player?

6) In what ways do you think you need to grow more as a Player?

7) What Blazer assistant has impressed you the Most?

8) What do you think you showed the most once you got playing time with Portland?

9) If you were to recruit someone to play in Portland, what do you feel are the three best things about living here?

10) What surprised you the most about Chauncey Biilups?

11) Who is the most unsung hero in the Blazers organization?

12) Why do you think Portland has a hard time attracting Free Agents?

13) Dave Deckard, Keep or Yeet? (Just kidding. Superstitious on 13 so I had to toss some humor in)

14) Players travel a lot. If someone were to ask for a recommendation of a city they should see for a weekend, what city would that be?

15) What do fans understand the least about what it is like to be an NBA Player?

16) Who was the toughest player for you to matchup with?

17) The end of the season was a lot of developmental playing time. What Blazer player outside of you do you think made the most of that?

18) What Blazer Player communicates the best on defense?

19) How do the Blazers prepare differently than San Antonio?

20) Three top Portland Restaurants/Food Carts?