
Enes Kanter

Not sure if any of y'all have followed the guy in a while but he claims to be being iced out of the league over his vocal opposition to China and the influence China has been having on the NBA and media as a whole.

At first my thoughts are 'this is a guy who is losing minutes to younger players with higher upside and forming narratives to shed culpability'.

But then I was just listening to the Blazers official podcast, The Blazers Balcony and when Brook Olzendam compliments the Enes, host SoleSavy starts speking of Enes awkwardly and eventually cut the convo short saying, 'Talking about Enes is weird now....I like the guy but also can't'

Seems to me that here is a media guy who is tasked to tow the team/league line and he clearly demonstrated the chilling that Enes Kanter has described in recent intervies.

The portion of convo I'm citing begins at about 00:22:10

Check it out.