
All in while rebuilding...if Lavine wants out of Chicago

Dame wants to stay and we shoudl build around him.

Sign and trade Lavine to us for Bledsoe, Hart, and remove restritctions on next years pick.

Sign and trade Ant for Randle and #11.

Sign and trade Nurk to Charlotte for #13

We would have a core of

Dame, Lavine, Randle #7, #11 #13

Draft the best available SF, C and scorer with our lotto picks

If we can still use our TPE's we can trade for T Ross using it and our 2025 Bucks pick.

我们会给夫人两个全明星队友,如果很好ze for thier positions locked in for the next 4 years. Although neither are good on D, they have the size to compete. We could cut down on Dame's minutes during the regular season.

They will have some potentially good rookies on small contracts, then can fill in the roster with role playing Vets that won't command large contracts...Hartenstein, J Green (either one), Drummond, Thad Young, Warren, Oladipo

We'd be a top 4 team in the West with Dame, Lavine and Randle...if the picks pan out or the free agent vets