
Junk Drawer: Summer Plans

每个人的暑期计划是什么?我的妻子和youngest daughter left for five weeks in Nebraska to spend time with her sister and mom. They normally go out for about three weeks, but with my father-in-law passing last December, my wife decided to stay out a little longer than usual. I would’ve went out too, but our dog hasn’t been doing well the last 6 weeks or so, and we didn’t think she would do well with all of us gone. Her arthritis has gotten even worse, and now she is not wanting to go to the dish, and I have to bring the bowl to her. Also, she has been losing weight before this. The vet said it’s either she is in a lot of pain or she could have cancer. She’s going to be 15 years old, this July, so even if we found out she has cancer we wouldn’t treat it.

Our other big plans of the summer is to move the rest of my oldest daughter’s stuff to Portland to her new apartment she is moving into in mid-July. She’s actually been in Portland, since mid-April because she got a job up there, and even though it’s a remote job, they require their employees to live in either Oregon or Washington. It’s a very flexible work schedule so it fits in perfectly for her upcoming school schedule, in the Fall. It’s been weird not having her around. It’s not so much the day to day living of her not being around, but I have felt missing her the most, when we go on our little excursions like going on hikes, to the beach, going to the movies, etc.

Anyways, some TV shows I have been enjoying Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, The Boys, Obi-Wan, and the new season of Stranger Things.