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Portland has plenty of avenues open. Which ones are widest?

波特兰开拓者诉洛杉矶湖人队 katelyn Mulcahy/Getty Images摄

波特兰开拓者are on the move this summer. Sporting tradeable contracts, free agents, a few draft picks, trade exceptions, and a “can do” attitude, the Blazers are suited up and ready to boogie in the big-movement phases of the off-season. Sometimes the plethora of options can be hard to sort out, so we’re taking a moment for a simple question in today’s Blazer’s Edge Mailbag.




这种反应是基于这样的假设,即开拓者将保留达米安·利拉德(Damian Lillard)。如果他们愿意交易他,或者他指出他想要的话 - 可能会开启的全新流程图。假设开拓者追求它们的机会很小,我们将跳过所有这些。

波特兰的目标是在利拉德附近建立。理想情况下,他们想通过增加资深人才来做到这一点。理想情况下,他们将获得两个高质量的先发球员,以便在目前的核心周围放置,其中包括Lillard,Anfernee Simons,Josh Hart和Jusuf Nurkic。如果起动器的质量足够高,他们有能力交易一位非Lillard核心参与者,以使交易正常工作。显然,今年选秀大会上的第七顺位以及未来的选秀权。

天空中的馅饼包括Deandre Ayton或John Collins Plus Og Anunoby之类的东西。这两个大个子加上杰拉米·格兰特(Jerami Grant)也将有资格。如果开拓者队将其实现,鉴于他们目前的资源,那将是奇迹。


不过会足够吗?我希望我们从上一届政权中熟悉的Evan Turner或Al-Farouq Aminu的收购还要多,但是即使参加的球员的质量更高,总体效果也可能是相同的。名册有洞。专营权有需求。开拓者不是从强度的位置上讨价还价。他们的资产不是压倒性的。他们正在出发进行杂货店购物旅行思考宴会,但他们可能会带回足够的餐点和一些小吃。

如果他们做得很好,开拓者会得到柯林斯或阿努比,但没有果汁来获得强烈的一秒钟。他们将与MLE一起钓鱼,或者依靠Joe Ingles和Trenton Watford等球员来填补空白。您可以将即将到来的球员降级为“档位”,但波特兰用彩票选秀权负担不起讨价还价的商店。

任何其他结果需要两个presump之一tions: either the Blazers hit the jackpot or they struck out. In the former case, rejoice! They got the deal mentioned above, plus a bonus. If they strike out, you have the consolation of them drafting seventh, at least. You could argue that’s superior to spending assets on a player who helps, but not enough. To make that rationalization work, though, you also have to assume the Blazers will be rebuilding with a younger roster. That’d be a major course change, but it’s not impossible.


Trading up is another possibility. They’d need to fall in love with a draft prospect to do it. The萨克拉曼多国王seem like the most likely target for a swap. I don’t see one of the immediate difference-makers falling to the fourth spot, so this would indicate a rebuild as well, which is why I don’t credit the possibility higher.


  1. Try for two, get one (then pretend like you got two with your ancillary move/signing)
  2. 尝试两个,得到两个(或足够近,我们说他们清除了栏)
  3. 使用Pick进行自我,称其为好(带有适度的额外动作)
  4. Trade up and use pick
  5. 交易并使用选拔

Of those, at least 75% of the probability lies in Options 1 and 2. I don’t see the Blazers standing pat. It’s just a matter of how far from “pat” they can get.

Thanks for the question! You can write yours to blazersub@gmail.com and we’ll try to answer!