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Lillard talks new contract extension, championship aspirations, and loyalty

2022 NBA夏季联赛 - 俄克拉荷马城雷霆队诉休斯顿火箭 图片由Ethan Miller/Getty Images

在周五签署了一份大规模两年,1.22亿美元的合同延期之后,波特兰开拓者特许经营明星达米安·利拉德(Damian Lillard)将在未来几年内被锁定到该组织。

新闻发布会在波特兰举行的夏季联赛比赛之前新奥尔良鹈鹕周六,利拉德(Lillard),总经理乔·克罗宁(Joe Cronin)和主教练昌西·比卢普斯(Chauncey Billups)谈到了导致新交易的因素。




“We’re trying to build our team up so we can give Dame and our great fans a fair shake and a fair chance to accomplish what we all want, which is a championship.”

利拉德(Lillard)在前台信任的一部分来自有影响力的休赛期收购。利拉德(Lillard)称加入前锋杰拉米·格兰特(Jerami Grant)为“巨大”。他说,签署面向防守的后卫加里·佩顿二世“改变了球队”。虽然名册仍然远离真正的争论,但利拉德对前台的愿景充满信心。

“The answers that I got and the responses that I got, I didn’t look at him, like, ‘Oh, he’s just telling me this,’ I was able to trust what I was hearing from Chauncey and Joe,” Lillard said. “And I think I’ve got a good nose for when somebody is blowing smoke.”

Three years remained on Lillard’s current deal, worth about $137 million, so the extension will kick in after the 2024-25 season right before Lillard turns 35. The final year on the extension, the 2026-27 season, will be a $62 million player option. If Lillard opts in to that year, his next five seasons with the Blazers will cost $259 million.

Gaudy financial earnings and a culture predicated on winning were priorities that steered him to sign the new deal, but as it often is with Lillard, so were pride and loyalty.

他说,他考虑在波特兰令人沮丧的第一轮失利后离开太平洋西北丹佛掘金in the 2021 playoffs. Even after a 27-55 record in the season following that first round exit, Lillard remains committed to the organization that drafted him 10 years ago. During a player empowerment era known for ring chasing and stars requesting trades, Lillard said this type of loyalty is missing from the game.


