
If YOU were Damian Lillard and wanted to win a championship....

would you stay in Portland?

I wouldn't. Lillard is probably a shrewd judge of talent and probably knows which NBA teams have the best chance of winning it all. Yet, he remains in Portland. Many Blazers fans laud him for his loyalty, for his contributions to the community, for just plain being a great guy. I don't question any of those accolades.

BUT, I ask you, do you want to win a championship? I've read lots of posts from fans who say they don't really care if we win one, or not. They just want to have a team that's fun to watch and players that don't commit felonies. OK, fine. I want a team like that, too. I also want a team that will win a ring because I so badly want the exhilaration again that I felt when the Blazers won it all in 1977.

I know many fans agree with me and many don't when I continue to post that the team should trade Lillard while they can get as much for him as possible. Doesn't look like that's going to happen.