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波特兰开拓者2022到目前为止的动作:2022 NBA选秀

The Blazers swerve into speculative territory on Draft Day, 2022.

波特兰开拓者介绍Shaedon Sharpe Sam Forencich/nbae的照片通过Getty Images

在过去的两个星期中,Portland Trail Blazers已经采用了一系列交易,签约和选秀权,以重建名册,为2022-23 NBA赛季做准备。如果您尚未仔细注意,则可能会因为错过一些细节而被原谅。即使有的话,也该深呼吸,回顾和重置了。

Over the Fourth of July holiday weekend, we’re going to break down Portland’s moves so far this summer, examining each in detail, bringing you up to date and teasing out the significance of each transaction.

在本文中,我们正在研究几个半令人震惊的皮卡,选秀者Shaedon Sharpe和Jabari Walker来自2022 NBA选秀大会。

The Transaction:开拓者队在2022 NBA选秀大会上排名第七,然后选择科罗拉多州布法罗斯前锋贾巴里·沃克(Jabari Walker),并以第57位的总选秀权选择了高中生和肯塔基州的肯塔基州名册 - 官员Shaedon Sharpe。


NBA Reaction:根据夏普的整个董事会,取决于他的意见。有人想知道他是否是超级巨星得分后卫的下一个化身,这是对1990年代和2000年代的回调。其他人则认为炒作被夸大了。

Nobody reacted too much to drafting Walker, although Blazer’s Edge staff insiders tab it as a good pick.

The Stats:None evident yet.

What Portland Gained

Sharpe’s potential lies in the eye of the beholder. We know he’s athletic and might become an offensive powerhouse. He’s not played against NBA competition, or anything close. He is, in essence, a high school draftee. Where will he fall on the Jermaine O’Neal—Travis Outlaw—Kwame Brown scale? Portland may have gained a future All-Star. They may also have signed up for a long, frustrating learning curve with a nebulous end.

夏普将与开拓者队有几个优势。他们只是对Anfernee Simons做了类似的事情。他发展得很好。西蒙斯(Simons),以及较小的延长达米安·利拉德(Damian Lillard),为得分提供了很好的模板。他们的才华也给了夏普的时间发展。这并不是他必须拯救特许经营权,至少现在不是。


The question at hand isn’t whether the 7th pick could have been used to get a player from the 2022 Draft Class better than Sharpe, it’s whether the pick could have netted the Blazers more in trade, given the NBA economy and their current needs. Take away the potential trade implications, and few people would argue with selecting Sharpe, even if it’s a reach.

Potential Pitfalls


他们不会为任何球员放弃这个机会。如果他仍然在第七名中有萨克尔(Sharpe)的目标,就会感觉到他们的目标。显然,在评估中,他的未来潜力超过了他们在贸易中合理获得的任何帮助。由于投机名称包括OG Anunoby(另一名球员从波特兰到多伦多)和约翰·柯林斯(John Collins),我们可以推断开拓者对夏普(Sharpe)的看法高度认为。


夏普(Sharpe)计划在西蒙斯(Simons)和乔什·哈特(Josh Hart)占领的位置,与基恩·约翰逊(Keon Johnson)一起占据。得分后卫是名册上最拥挤的职位。这个故事如果他滑到小前锋的情况下会更好。首先,他可以捍卫这个职位吗?其次,他可以比哈特,纳西尔·利特尔和新获得的加里·佩顿二世更好吗?

There’s more to this story than meets the eye. The Blazers have not given any indication that they’re looking to trade anyone around or ahead of Sharpe in the rotation. That may mean that they anticipate him taking a couple of years to develop. That’s fine...expected, even. But it also qualifies this as a move for the future more than the present.

开拓者很聪明,可以保持人才管道的流动。这是前篮球业务尼尔·奥尔希(Neil Olshey)前总统陷入困境的方面之一。危险是,他们花了几年的时间发展夏普,然后弄清楚他并不是所有这些,而只剩下两年的时间。另一个危险是:夏普就是全部,但由于缺乏几分钟的时间和射击而无法发展,因为波特兰的优先事项是现在获胜而不是建立下一次迭代的优先事项。


If Sharpe is as good as his advocates hope, he may be able to turn the franchise around the corner whether they want to go or not. It’s not impossible to envision his star rising as Lillard’s sets, and the two working in tandem to become the Next Big Duo. Where that leaves Simons, Hart, and Johnson is anybody’s guess, but if the Blazers believe Sharpe can do it, they absolutely did the right thing in executing and keeping this pick.


For those reasons, this was a sound move IF Sharpe pans out. If not, the Blazers will look back on this as a potentially wasted opportunity, especially if they get stuck in the first- or second-round of the playoffs as has been typical during most of Lillard’s tenure.

注:选择第57位,阿哈沃克将不正常ly be considered a rotation player. If he makes the team and sees the floor, that’s plenty of justification for taking him. If not, there’s no harm.

