
The Thrill of Being Champion and the Agony of Da Build

Contributors to Blazer's Edge and the fans that converse on the website display in their postings feelings of disparagement, hopelessness, anxiousness and hope. Unfortunately little of the writing on Blazer's Edge, either by the contributors or by the fans, is constructive.

I am old enough to have watched every game of the 1976-1977 Championship run of the Trailblazers. It was a marvel of teamwork--passing, shooting and defense. That teams is one of only three from that season to the 2008 season that featured but one future hall of fame player on the team--for the 1977 blazers that was defensive wizard Bill Walton.

The current Trailblazers are not blessed with an all world defensive center but they do have a future hall of fame guard. Can the Trailblazers put together a squad that might have a chance of getting to the Finals?


As an example, and I know it will be criticized as a crazy example but I'm trying to beconstructivehere we can examine the 1989-1990 Bulls. That year the Bulls were 21st in total rebounds, 22th in defensive rebounds, 18th in offensive rebonds, 19th in the number of FTM and 3rd in FG%. This performance yielded the Bulls 47 victories.

The next season, Jordan's first championship, the Bulls improved in every category except FTM: Total rebounds 15th, Defensive rebounds 19th, Offensive rebounds 13th, FTM 22nd, and FG% 2nd.

By contrast, the 2023 version of the Blazer's ranked 28th in total rebounds 28th in defensive rebounds, 25th in offensive rebounds, 5th in FTM, and 17th in FG%.

I take from this admittedly simple analysis that if the Blazer's get better rebounding and improve their FG% they might not become the Bulls of 1991, but they should be able to get into the playoffs.

So it seems to me, the effort of the contributors and the fans should on focusing on how the team might find players that would improve on those numbers rather than lamenting on the state of the Blazers or how they're not the ideal team or how they are not run or owned by some ideal person, or persons.

If we, the fans would do that, it might be fun to read and participate in conversations on this site rather than be bored or angered by the continual complaining about the things were have no power to change.