
Early ramblings about this summer

I have some (very) general thoughts about some trades. These thoughts are based on three things: Franchise directions, and what those franchises are good at. It’s bereft of pick swaps/trades because those would be secondary. The two three team trades would be: Phoenix gets Tobias Harris (last year of deal, can stabilize starting forward position for title run), portland gets Ayton (25, maybe change unlocks him), and philly phinally gets a true second in Dame (gets to contend, Ayton is not Otis Thorpe). Everyone gets someone on their timeline, cap relief for Portland.

Second trade: portland gets Anonuby (also 25), Chicago gets Nurkic and filler (better defender than/or can platoon with Vuc), Toronto gets DeRozan, (a culture help, Scottie freed up).

Reasoning: some version of this feels best, barring a home run trade for portland not involving Dame. Toronto/Philly make pushes to keep their windows open, Portland doesn’t completely blow it up, while getting (typically) pre-prime aged players. I don’t feel like Portland has a Miami/OKC/SA type development system, so I’m leery of blowing it up for 23-22 or younger players with end of bench veterans. I think Portland can build that system, and a g-league team will be huge, but we’re not even done undoing Olshey.