
"I think, that’s enough 19-year-olds" - Damian Lillard

Dame says he doesn't want anymore 19 year old's... The Blazers FO would like a tall forward, who is a legit 2-way player, who spreads the floor by shooting lights out from deep and can make up for other players deficiencies in other facets of the game. A legit 2nd star/running mate for Dame.

Guess what?

  • Brandon Miller is 20. In fact, he'll turn 21 during his 1st season. Boom first demand met.
  • Brandon Miller plays SF and is above average in size and athleticism for the position at 6'9" with a 6'11" wingspan. Boom second demand met
  • Brandon Miller shoots 39% from deep on 7.5 attempts per game. Boom third demand met.
  • Brandon Miller pulls down 8 rebounds per game. Boom fourth demand met.
  • Brandon Miller shoots 86% from the stripe. Not really a demand, but Boom!
  • Brandon Miller is excellent on defense, able to guard 2-4. Boom fifth demand met.
The only demand Miller doesn't meet is experience. Boo Hoo.

Bringing in Miller would add so much versatility to the Blazers. He's a jack-of-all-trades on the court, truly capable of playing position-less basketball. Whether running the offense with his fantastic handles, creating offense for himself, breaking out on fast breaks, punishing defenses with high-flying dunks, locking down opponents best players, or knocking down 3's at a prolific rate (he and Klay Thompson shot the same in college), his versatility would add an entirely new dimension to the Blazers. He would be a day 1 starter, and quickly supplant Grant as our second option.

Also, I refuse to believe that any team as far away from contention as the Blazers has the luxury to think only of win-now-moves. We are so far away from honestly contending it's not funny. The Phoenix Suns made a win-now move, pairing Kevin Durant with Chris Paul, Devon Booker, and DeAndre Ayton and they got manhandled in the 2nd round. Do you really think we can put together a starting 4 that comes anywhere close to theirs this season? I don't, and don't forget.. those 4 weren't good enough!

Miller would serve as a critical building block for the team's future. By investing in his development we ensure continued relevancy for the next decade, rather than trying to make a 2 year run that leaves us cratered for the next decade. And who knows how quickly he can get up to speed in the NBA, he could be our best player by year 2! He has that potential in him.

Next, you gotta think about fan engagement. Drafting a promising young player like Brandon Miller injects excitement and optimism into the hearts of us loyal Blazers supporters. The buzz generated by his potential alone could reinvigorate the fanbase with a new sense of hope. And the future would be oh-so bright with him and Sharpe being the Blazers' heirs apparent.

Now for the mark on his otherwise shining record that so many here have stated outright as a major deterrent to drafting him. His buddy texted him late one night to drop off his gun and Brandon did it. Miller says he didn't see the text, as he was already driving to pick his friends up (they had all gone out together earlier, Brandon wasn't interested in going to the club and had no knowledge of what had transpired that evening, he was meeting his friends at a diner) he didn't know his friend had brought a gun out that night, and didn't know the gun was left/forgotten in his car, and had no idea of the impending violence that would occur later that evening. This is America, where we have more guns than people and some 6+ million licensed American's conceal carry daily... not taking into account those who don't answer those types of questionnaires or live in states where you don't have to be be licensed to do so (Alabama: There is no permit, background check or firearms registration required when buying a handgun from a private individual. Alabama allowsopen carrywithout a permit. Any person who is at least 19 years old and legally entitled to possess a firearm can open carry.). So, to think that Brandon wouldn't have a friend or two that own guns and carry is naïve. Especially in Alabama, which has the 5th highest assault rate, the 7th highest homicide rate and where more than 55% of the population own guns.

Bad judgement and poor choices do not always add up to the commission of a crime.

To pass up on the 3rd spot in this draft is the king of all folly's. It is the definition of short-sighted management.