
How Do The Wives And Girlfriends Of NBA Players Make their Relationships With Them Work?

Chris Paul married his high school sweetheart Jada back in 2011 and they now have two children together, a son named Chris Jr and a daughter named Camryn. And you cannot find an article anywhere that paints this family in a negative light of any kind whatsoever. Yet because Chris plays in the National Basketball Association for eight to nine months of the year, and has done so for the last eighteen years, during the season he chooses to live in Phoenix while the rest of his family resides in Los Angeles. So as far as them all living in the same house together day after day goes there are only three months in the summer where this can happen. Now no doubt there are times throughout the season where Chris is able to spend a weekend here or there at home, and Jada and the kids probably are able to go Phoenix at times, but how in the world are they able to be so happy when the majority of the year they are separated by two states and a whole lot of miles?

显然,这将是一个问题最好的answered by the two of them, and with the technology of today I am sure they take advantage of charter jets and Zoom as much as they can in order to see each other on a regular basis. But in many cases absence really doesn’t make the heart grow fonder. During my high school years my dad was a long haul trucker, and most weeks he would leave Sunday afternoon and not get back home until Friday or Saturday. So my mom would spend all week alone waiting for a couple of calls from him so they could catch up on things. Me, I was on my own running wild and terrorizing the county where we lived when I really should have been home in bed. But getting back to my mother she really wasn’t your average truckers wife, because dad drove since he was nineteen years old and only retired when he was sixty seven because dementia overtook him and it got to the point where he was becoming a danger to not only himself but to others on the road too. And the whole time there was my mother doing her best to raise five kids on her own. But when my dad did finally step down out of the cab of his truck for the last time, and sad to say went from there to the couch not really getting up much again until he died less than ten years later, he wasn’t real close to my mom at all. And for myself and my four sisters as we took care of both our parents before they eventually passed away it was more like a business arrangement with our father than a loving father with his children type of thing. Why? Well, it’s pretty much a common thread to all relationships that if you want to as the Bible says "Be one flesh" you really need to spend a lot of quality time together. And in our case that just simply didn’t happen.

So here’s a question for all of you Trail Blazers fans. With the divorce rate being 60 to 80 percent for professional athletes what do you think NBA couples probably need to do in order to ward off temptations such as being unfaithful and engaging in other activities that they feel they need to hide from their spouses? Or, with your own relationships, if either you or your mate or maybe both of you have demanding jobs that separate you from one another, what do you do to keep your relationships alive and well?

And in regards to this entire article being written in some funky font, well I accidentally hit a button I wasn’t trying to hit and couldn’t figure out how to fix it. So we will just go with I am trying to be unique and different with this article and leave it at that.