
Scoot Is Not a Future Blazer

I've been pretty convinced that Charlotte wasn't going to pass up on Scoot, but the overwhelming reports about how much they loved Brandon Miller made me hesitate. Today, Jonathan Givony said that Scoot "was the best" during workouts between himself and Miller, resolidifying what had been the consensus for most of the season, that Wemby is first, and Scoot is second.

So, How does this affect the Blazers?

1. It lowers the value of our pick in a trade. If teams want Scoot, they no longer go through us. We now only have leverage if a team is head-over-heels for a different player like Miller, the Twins, Whitmore, etc... . This makes dealing with Masai and the Raptors much more difficult, as well as pursuing any other targets. We have lost a lot of leverage with this report.

2. The draft debate among the fanbase now has to be Miller VS Amen. There is the potential for a different name in the hat, but those two have been pretty consistently listed by scouts as the next options after Scoot. I am personally in favor of Amen because I think he has more star potential, but Miller has a higher floor.

It's time to forget the Scoot Henderson dream because either Charlotte wants him, or they want the trade value his pick commands. I really hope the Blazers are going to bring Miller in for a workout, just to get a close-up view of him to compare with our other options.