
My Support is Fading

Corruption, according to the onlineThe Law Dictionary, ( is "The act of an official or fiduciary person who unlawfully or wrongfully uses his station or character to procure some benefit for himself or for another person, contrary to duty and rights of others."

The "rights of others", in my opinion, is the interest of the fan in any sport franchise. Make no mistake, fans, either directly through ticket and team product sales, or indirectly through the consumptions of merchandise of supporting advertisers, pay for everything. Indeed, the fans support goes so far as to lift the egos of some owners so much they are willing to spend any amount of money to satisfy that fan support.

The media is also supported by sport fans. Fans consume sport news, opinion and entertainment programs by purchasing the products of the advertisers of these programs. Media, too, have a duty not to act contrary to the "rights of others."

这些权利是什么?这是一个好问题。我would give as an example of a right as that expectation that a team make a good faith effort to form the best possible team, a team that can compete at the highest level. There is no requirement from the fans that a team reach the highest pinnacle, but the fan does expect a franchise to do its best to try and achieve that pinnacle.

The Portland Trailblazer front office, the owner, the president, the general manager, etc., have all declared that the Trailblazer’s are committed to putting the best team possible on the floor of the Moda Center, Lillard included. Yet the Trailblazer fans, astute basketball consumers, are filled with doubts. These doubts are, in my opinion, inarguably due to the constanthue and cryof media pundits to persuade either the team, Lillard, or both, to let Lillard go. In addition, Lillard's request to add veterans to the team to make the team more competitive and not see that request fulfilled increase the doubts about the intentions of the front office.

And the Commissioner’s Office, Commissioner Silver, does nothing to quell the misgivings fans have about the seeming manipulation of Lillard’s tenure on the Trailblazers by the media. No fan would expect Commissioner Silver to be able to sanction the media, but a pointed comment about the effects of media commentary and reporting on the integrity of professional basketball would be appreciated by the fans.

我have been a blazermaniac from the beginning. There is nothing better than watching the Blazer’s succeed. But I have to say, the actions of the media and those that leak to the media, and to those who bargain in bad faith, while perhaps not criminally corrupt are, in spirit, wreaking of corruption.