
We obviously really need a big (or three).

Having lost Eubanks (and sending away Watford even) in free agency wouldn't hurt most teams the way it's going to hurt us. We really have nobody behind Nurkic. Even if we get back Jovic in a Heat trade, he's really not a traditional big (not a great rebounder or rim protector as far as I can tell). I look at Detroit with Duren, Stewart, Wiseman, and Bagley, and I feel pretty jealous. I wish we would have taken back Wiseman last year. I realize he is widely considered a bust considering where he was picked, but I see him as kind of an averageish center that we could really use (and still a good deal on his rookie contract). Anyway, if we do end up trading with the Heat, it would be great to flip Herro for a young big. But either way, we really need to figure something out before the season starts.