
Get to Know Scoot Better - A Treat You’re Sure to Enjoy!

Hello Blazer fans. I have a pretty great little nugget here for those that missed it. I will preface by saying that Dame is my all-around favorite Blazer of all time. Probably will remain so. BUT Let me just say that if you are like me, I think you solidify your hope for Scoot and his future leading our team. I can see him stealing my fan heart for #2 or 3 fairly quickly if this clip is an indication of what’s to come from a personality standpoint.

I will also add, referencing personality/personal style only, when I watched the draft I was slightly put off with all the bling and glitz Scoot was vibing with and I was concerned he wasn’t too thrilled to be drafted by us (which is understandable since Dame is/was head honcho and played his same position)... But obviously the wardrobe is a personal preference thing and so very minor and silly for me to be overly concerned with at the end of the day (plus I’m in my 40’s).

ANYHOW, call me crazy, but I was watching game 4 of summer league vs Orlando (anticipating to be somewhat underwhelmed and knowing Scoot was out) hoping to catch a few more flashes of Shaedon. At some point in the game the announcer revealed Scoot would be a guest later for an interview. I was thinking, oh nice, that will be a small bonus to keep watching and get to know him better. Well let me just say, this kids personality is EXACTLY what I would hope for in a player on my team and especially one with a high talent level and very likely future face of the franchise. Enjoy!