
How Do You View Fellow Trail Blazers Fans On Blazers Edge?

There are basically five different groups of people who visit Blazers Edge. You have the rookies, people who set up an account who may have been lurking before and now want to be part of the conversation. Sometimes there are fans of other teams who feel the need to troll us and cause trouble. And then there is the guy who only posts once and quickly loses interest to never be heard from again. There are also people like myself who really aren’t interested in any of the off season festivities but enjoys the pregame writeups and the game day threads during the season. And lastly we have our veterans, some of these people were at the very first games played in the Memorial Colosseum and can be counted on to make their presence known year around.

So the question of the day is this. Having gotten acquainted with one another via the internet, and based on the content of all the different fans who post in the comment sections on this site we have all probably come up with a mental image of how these individuals might act in everyday life. And even how they may possibly look. Are there certain ones that you would agree to meet for coffee, a meal at a restaurant, or perhaps in your home? Or maybe take it even further would you be willing to spend the day with them, or possibly the weekend for that matter?

We live in such a hands off society because of technology. And now people agree to go on a date with a stranger based on a photograph, many time doctored for effect, and a two hundred words or less write up about all the positive things your possible evening companion has to offer you. Back in my day, wow saying that I feel old all of a sudden, anyway if you liked somebody and you wanted to date them you simply walked up to the person and asked them out. And since this individual was usually the same girl you attended third grade with she generally wouldn’t hold back with either saying OK or letting you know that she really wants to just be friends. So getting back to the original question, Do we really all know one another well enough that we would want to expand some friendships beyond discussing whether Scoot Henderson is going to be the next cornerstone of the Blazers organization or will he end up being a millstone around Jody Allen’s neck?

Now we can make this interesting too if you want, after all it looks like this fiery inferno of a summer is going to keep most of us inside more than we really want to be. So why not make it a game. For instance as we put together a scenerio of how we would be willing to spend time with either one person, or more than that if you want, feel free to use their usernames. On the other hand if you want to make it a guessing game write your response in code and we can all try to guess who you are talking about. Here’s an example of what I’m probably not explaining real well..

When I first signed up on Blazers Edge a few years ago many of the people who had been around for quite some time were very helpful when it came to figuring things out. But there was one poster who I would describe as being the Howard Stern of the comment sections. First of all he had a username that bugged a few people, but he could care less what people thought of that or what he had to say, he was going to tell it like it is. But then as time went on he not only changed his username to something less offensive he mellowed just a little bit and as far as I know is now one of the main posters that gets the respect of most people. Because when the dust settles on everything he says there is no doubt about it the guy knows basketball. And at first he and I butted heads for a bit but then worked out a way to agree to disagree and now there is a respect between the two of us. Would I feel OK meeting him at a restaurant to have lunch with him? Absolutely. Would we leave there and play a round of golf? Probably not. Who is he?

一个d one more. This person could very well be the real owner of the Blazers using a burner account in order to interact with us peons while he spends his millions of dollars behind our backs, because he definitely knows this organization inside and out better than anybody else I have ever communicated with. And like the person up above he not only tells it like it is, but he will not back down from anybody if a push turns into a shove. If he was willing to do it I think him and I would have a blast loading up a four wheel drive pickup and going into the mountains to camp away from other people for a weekend. Would we do this more than once? Maybe. That would depend on how the first weekend turned out, who knows maybe our past arguments would resurface ending in a fistfight. Who is he.

The reason I picked these two is because like I mentioned above we started out not giving an inch with one another and then ended up respecting each other in the end. Of course this was after the moderators finally stepped in and reminded us that commenting is a privilege not a right and if we didn’t want to be banned we better figure things out. Which we eventually did and now I look forward to anything they write and enjoy conversing with them about things too.

So what do you think. Are there people you interact with because we all love the Blazers that you would like to have a beer with? Or are you good with keeping everybody you know on Blazers Edge on Blazers edge?