
Lillard's Trade and Bad Faith Bargaining

First, I'd like to say that Lillard's agent and the Miami Heat are not bargaining in good faith. Trying to illicit cooperation from other teams to force Portland to deal only with Miami smacks of collusion and the agent should be fined or suspended for bargaining in bad faith.

Second, if the front office of Miami is making disparaging comments about the Blazer's trade position to the media in an attempt to influence the Blazer's into making an unfair trade that too is bargaining in bad faith. ( see

Finally, if Lillard wants to break his contract with the Blazer's by demanding a trade then, like the rest of us who must pay a fee to break a contract, lease, whatever, Lillard should have to pay a fee to accomplish his demand. In addition, the league should recompense the Blazer's in some way for the disruption to business this request has caused; say an increase in the tax line by $5 million or the 31st pick of the following draft, for example.