
Who Wants To Be A Millionaire……. Working For The Portland Trail Blazers?

A person who posts comments on here regularly oddly enough also works for Jody Allen has her personal chef. And whether it is ethically right or wrong here is a snippet of a conversation she overheard one evening and recorded Jody talking with one of her employees.

"Joe I was watching one of those programs the other night where a famous chef cooks for the stars in Hollywood, and it got me thinking that maybe I should hire one for me. After all the older I get the more help I need to eat better and get in shape. Do you think you could find somebody like that?"

"Maybe. But first of all I need to know what kind of a salary are we talking about?"

"Well, Paul did want the bulk of his money to go to good causes, and what better cause is there then me. So I’m thinking $1,00,000,00 a year."

"A million bucks a year to cook for just you?"

Actually no not just for me. I read an article the other day that talked about the link between eating organic fruits and vegetables on a regular basis and having more energy, a better quality of life, and living longer. So how about this, put an advertisement out there for a personal chef who only cooks with the highest quality ingredients that would be willing to not just cook for me but also develop a menu that all the players could order from so that good diet would not only be part of what they do to get through the long season but it would also no doubt help them recover from injuries quicker. In fact let’s plan on putting everybody in the organization on the same program as the players and help everyone."

"Now you might just have something there Jody. But you know this is my busy time of year and I will be the first one to tell you not a lot of people will want to come to Portland to work when they can live in places like LA and New York where there is a lot more to do. I should know, I can’t even get multi millionaires to to come here to play for he Blazers, even when I offer them stupid amounts of money……. For a good cause of course."

"Well how about this Mr Cronin, which by the way you could sure use some good quality food to shed a few pounds and build up the stamina you need to keep on dueling it out with Pat to get as much as you can in return for Damian, why don’t you not worry about this person we are looking for being famous and just find someone who can take on the job, put together their own staff, and be available year round. It doesn’t make any sense to get everybody in shape throughout the season to then have them go backwards in the summer."

“好了好了,都是有意义的。嘿,我got an idea! A lot of people around the office visit this little website called Blazers Edge, in fact we make a lot of our decisions based on the articles Dave Deckard puts on there. And actually the more I think about it a lot of the major moves we have made are based a lot on the people who post in the comment section who amazingly have a tremendous amount of knowledge about the game of basketball. So do you want me to contact this Dave guy and see if he or one of the people on his staff could put an article out there advertising for a personal chef for the team?"

"You know Joe you just might have something there. I remember Paul telling me he would go to that site at times and he was pretty impressed with the basketball IQ everybody there has. So yeah let’s get this thing going and start taking care of everybody’s health."

Now keep in mind that the person who shared this very private conversation with me that went on between Jody Allen and Joe Cronin was pretty worried about this getting back to Jody and then finding themselves slingin’ hash at IHOP instead of sprinkling some herb on a fancy dish before setting it on fire prior to serving it to their boss. So they made sure to tell me that they couldn’t reveal their name. The person did however leave a couple of clues. One of them was that there are only a few others like them that contributes regularly on Bedge. And another was that they are well known by other posters and have been around quite a few years. In fact they said that one fool thought they were part of Dave’s staff and kept asking them a bunch of questions they couldn’t answer. Then get this, after I told them that I might make it a game to have everybody guess their username they had the gall to tell me that they had already read one of my articles where I tried that and it went over like a lead ballon. So in the kindest way possible they suggested that I stop with the let’s play a game to get us all through the dog days of summer shtick.

So Blazers fans let’s try another game instead then. Do you think you are good enough around the kitchen that you could successfully pull of what Jody and Joe want regarding putting together a staff that could feed hundred of people in such a way that their health and well being would improve? Or maybe you aren’t the best cook, but have you found certain types of diet and exercise that have markedly improved your stamina, ability to recover from injury quicker, and just flat out tastes good?

Well, regardless of where you may fit into all of this why not put your resume down there in the comment section, who knows maybe you can use your culinary and organizational skills to pull in $1,000,00,00 dollars a year. Because after all, you are no doubt a good cause for Paul’s hard earned dollars to support.